Accessing Physitrack

Follow the process detailed below to learn how to configure and use GPM  to access the Physitrack website.

Obtain your Physitrack Account

Note: Activation for Physitrack applies to Clinicians only

Follow the steps below if you are not a Physitrack user yet:

1. Go to the Physitrack Website and click Free Demo or Try Demo

2. When you are ready to subscribe, click create a new account

3. Enter your details and click Create account

4. Check your email and enter the Password provided by Physitrack

5. Click Login to Physitrack

6. Choose and enter your new password and click Save password

7. Select Gensolve in the affiliation field

8. Enter GENSOLVE20 as the discount code and click OK to activate your discount

9. Enter your credit card details

10. Click Start 7 day trial

Note: Learn how to use Physitrack: Quick Steps to Get Started with Physitrack.

Link your Account to Gensolve

Once you have obtained your Physitrack account, you will need to enter your Gensolve API key to link your account and activate your discount:

1. Open your GPM app

2. Go to Administration >> Clinicians and click Get Data

3. Click on  to open the Clinician Details window

4. Click on the Other Settings tab

5. Hit Ctrl+C to copy the API key from the Physitrack Activation Token field

6. Go to the Physitrack website

7. Click Login and enter your account details

8. Click on My Account

9. Click on the Settings tab

10. Hit Ctrl+V to paste the token on the API key field

11. Click Save Changes

12. Open your GPM application >> Administration >> Clinicians >> Other Settings.

13. Click Activate

14. Click Save



Access Physitrack from Client Details

The Clinician will be able to access the Physitrack website from the Client Details window as follows:

  1. Search for the client you created the appointment for and click on  to open the Client Details window
  2. On the right-hand side of the Client tab, click on

Note: You will not be able to access the Physitrack website unless the Title, DOB, and Email fields have been populated. Please note that two different clients cannot have the same email address associated, otherwise, they will be linked to the same client ID in Physitrack.


3.    Once you have clicked on , the Physitrack website will open with the name of the client at the top of the screen.

Note: From here, you will be able to Assign New Programs to the Client, Transfer Clients, Download Clients Data and Configure Clients Settings.


Access Physitrack from Condition Details

The Clinician will be able to access the Physitrack website from the Condition Details window as follows:

  1. Search for the client you created the appointment for and click on  to open the Client Details window
  2. Click on the Conditions tab
  3. Select the Condition created then click on  to open the Condition Details window
  4. In the drop-down list at bottom of the Condition Details window, select Physitrack
  5. Click on the Open button


6.    Once you have clicked Open, the Physitrack website will open with the name of the client as shown previously.


Access Physitrack from Medical Notes

The Clinician will be able to access the Physitrack website from the Medical Notes window as follows:

  1. On the Appointment book, right-mouse click on the appointment created above and select View the Medical Notes to open the Medical Notes window

2.    In the drop-down list at the bottom of the Medical Notes window, select Physitrack then click the Open button


3.     Once you have clicked Open, the Physitrack website will open with the name of the client as shown previously

Access Physitrack from GPM Web

The Clinician will be able to access the Physitrack website from GPM Web through the Client Details as follows:

1. Go to GPM Web >> Clients >> Search for the client you created the appointment for and click on  to open the Client Summary window.

2. Click on the Details tab >> Click on  or on Open Physitrack to see the Physitrack website with the client's profile.

3. Once you have clicked Open Physitrack, the Physitrack website will open with the client's profile.