Adding a Client to and Working with the Waiting List


A Client wishes to make an appointment, however the clinician(s) are fully booked.


This resource will show you how to utilize the Waiting List function.

Adding a Client to the Waiting List

Working with the Waiting List

Adding a Client to the Waiting List

  1. Click on Top Menu >> Clients >> View the Waiting List (or hit Ctrl-W)

  2. The Waiting List window will appear.  Click Add Client
  3. Select the preferred Site
  4. Select an existing client from the Client drop-down (For existing clients, Contact Info will pull through) or create a placeholder for a new client by entering a name in the OR Client Name box
  5. Select Duration if relevant (not mandatory)
  6. Priority - defaults to Normal (You can sort the Waiting List view later by Priority based on this setting)
  7. Select a Preferred Provider (mandatory) and/or click Book With Any Provider - this will show in the Preferred Provider and Any? columns on the Waiting List
  8. Wants Appointment From can be used to designate a date window the Client would like to book an appointment (Default is the Current Date)
  9. Other Booking Info allows extra information to be entered about the client on the Waiting List. (This will display on the Waiting List window)
  10. Click Save
  11. The client will now appear in the waiting list for the Site and Period they were added for.
  12. Click Close to exit the Waiting List
  13. The Appointment book will now be updated at the bottom of the clinician's booking column, with a highlighted number.  The number indicates the number of clients on the waiting list to see the clinician for that Site and Date period.
14.    Clicking on the number will open the Waiting List

Working with the Waiting List

  1. Click on Top Menu >> Clients >> View the Waiting List (or hit Ctrl-W), or Click on the highlighted number at the bottom of the Clinician's Booking Column.
  2. You can sort the Waiting List by clicking on the column heading/s to rearrange the view.
  3. Click on the  icon against a client's Waiting List entry to update the details of the original entry.
  4. Click on the  icon to remove a client form the Waiting List
  5. Click on the  icon to book an Appointment for the client.  The relevant Booking window will open.  Click to place the appointment and click Save.
  6. You will then be taken to the Appointment to add information and/or save the booking. For further details check See Also at the bottom of the document
  7. You will be asked if you wish to remove the client from the Waiting List, click Yes or No