Adding a Formula Field into a Custom Form

The Formula Field Type is useful to create math operations depending on values previously stored in the form entry.

Follow the steps below to add a number text box into a Custom Form:

  1. Go to Administration >> Custom Forms and click Get Data.
  2. Select the Custom Form into which you need to add the Formula field and click on  to open the Custom Form Configuration window.
  3. Right mouse click to open the Context menu and select Add a Field.

4.    Select Form Field.
5.    Select the Formula field type.
6.    Enter - if applicable - the Field Name and Export Tag Name.
7.    Click Save.

8.    Select the field you have just added.
9.    Enter formula using any of the following fields: TotalScore, NoOfQuestions and Answered Questions. (eg: ((TotalScore / NoOfQuestions) - 1) *25 )

Note: To use TotalScore field ensure the main form has questions with scores. For more information refer to: Setting Scores within a Form Field.

10.    Once you have created the custom form you can use it when creating a New Form Entry.