AEM-ACC Schedule Transfer Failed


An ACC schedule was sent electronically and the status returned is "Transfer Failed"


"Transfer Failed" schedules are quite common and can occur when the information was not successfully received by the ACC's website.  

The most common cause for failure is due to a temporary issue within the ACC website .

In such cases, simply create a new schedule at a later time and the items that were in the "Transfer Failed" schedule will automatically be included, along with any new items.


If you have just sent a schedule and it fails immediately, you will receive an error message from ACC.

It will look similar to the message shown below:

  1. Click OK.
  2. The schedule will go into the Transfer Failed status.
  3. Follow the steps below starting at number 4 to proceed.

To find the reason for an existing Transfer Failure, follow the steps below:

  1. Click ACC Batches > Existing Schedules
  2. Click Get Data
  3. In the Schedule Status Summary click on Transfer Failed
  4. The list of schedule(s) that failed to transfer will show in the Schedules panel
  5. Click the printer icon at the end of the row  to see the reason for the failure
  6. The reason for the failure will be displayed. Note that this message is generated by ACC (not AEM )
  7. To ensure that the items on a failed schedule have been included again in another schedule:
    • Click the failed schedule to select it

    • Click the  icon to View the Schedule History Report

    • It will list the schedules the items were sent on along with the dates and the status

NoteA schedule cannot be sent again using the same schedule number. As such the items sent on a schedule that has failed are immediately ready to be sent again on any schedule created subsequently.

A failed schedule is kept as a record in the system permanently and will show by default for two days.  There is nothing else that needs to be done with these schedules and you do not need to delete them.