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  2. Gensolve Enterprise Manager

Archiving of Claims for Medicare Online

You can use Gensolve to archive claims that have been made in error or any that will not be paid by Medicare / DVA. Follow the steps described below to learn how to archive or unarchive claims in the Medicare Reconciliation screen.

Archive a Claim

  1. Go to Medicare >> Reconciliation
  2. Click on Get Transactions to Reconcile >> Click on  to Archive the Claim
  3. Click on Yes
  4. Once the Claim is Archived the number of pending Claims shown on the Medicare menu decreases and the Claim is hidden from the list.

Unarchive a Claim

  1. Medicare >> Reconciliation >> Tick Show archived claims >> Click on Get Transactions to Reconcile
  2. Note: You may wish to adjust the Claims from date field if looking for older Claims
  3. Click on  to Unarchive a Claim
  4. Click on Yes
  5. Once the Claim is Unarchived, the number of pending Claims increases and is displayed in the transactions pending to reconcile