AEM Release Notes Version 6.10 – June 2019

New Features

AEM Clinic Portal

The Clinic Online Booking Portal has now been implemented. To make an online booking, a patient will need to register themselves on the Portal. This Clinic Portal will then allow those AEM patients to book their Appointments online.

If you wish to be enabled for this portal setup, please email

Once enabled, you can use AEM to configure the look and feel of the Appointment Booking Clinic Portal as well as the practitioners/clinicians and the service charges and schedules that will be available on the Portal for patients to book online. 

When a patient makes an online booking, the system will attempt to match the patient with an existing client in AEM using the First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender.


Show client name sorted last name, first name on new Daily Takings  (View Request)

You can now view Client Name sorted by last name, first name for Debtor Payments and Cash Sales in Daily Takings History

Show Procedure Type on Reminders view

When sending a manual reminder, under the ‘Details’ column, you can now see displayed the Procedure Type selected on the appointment created.

Import Invoices

A new feature has been added via Accounting Form >> Money In >> Import Invoices. Use the ‘View Excel Example’ button to get an example excel document with instructions on how to use it.

Recurring Expenses

A new option has been added when setting up Recurring Expenses, allowing you to specify that the Expense should be immediately paid on creation. The bank account to pay from is set up on the Recurring expense.

Repair Letters

A new type of Letter template is now available for Repairs (Administration>Letter Templates). When editing a Repair you can now create letters based on this new template type. There is also now an additional tab page on the Repair form where you can easily see Repair Letters that have been created (as well as other letters for the client)

Trial Subscriptions

You can now configure a Trial to be based on a Subscription payment. By setting the trial to be on a subscription there is a new tab where you can specify the type and length of the subscription, which will create the required invoices over the period of the subscription. You also have the ability to restrict by subscription-based trials when viewing Audio Trials.

Fixes and Updates

Fixed Out of Memory when sending Emails

You can now send emails with attachments of maximum 10MB

Fixed Recurring Expense GST

The issue when using recurring expenses that included  GST would calculate the incorrect total has been resolved.

Update security protocol to TLS 1.2 

As a result of a security protocol update, for customers running versions of Windows prior to Windows 10 it essential that all Windows updates (including optional updates) have been installed.

Improve Client Refresh performance

The client list on the header area of the main form is refreshed correctly for both new and existing clients

API Updates

A new API endpoint has been added to export Provider Capacity information