AEM Release Notes Version 7.7 - March 2021

New Features and Improvements

Email Templates: Include Calendar Event Attachment to Emails:

Now you can add client events as attachments to your Email Templates for type 'Client Appointment'. You can do this via 'Administration' >> 'Email Templates' >> 'New Email Template' >> Select 'Client Appointment as the template type >> Tick the box 'Include a Calendar event attachment to this email'.

Bulk Processing of Email Events Due

Now it is possible to process invoice email recovery actions in bulk. You can do this via 'Accounting Form' >> 'Money In' >> Recovery Actions Due >>Select the email recovery actions you want to process >> Click on 'Send Emails'. This results in bulk emails being sent to Debtors or Clients with outstanding invoices as attachments.

Update Service Charge prices on existing appointments

Now you can update the Service Charges prices for existing appointments via 'Administration' >> 'Service Charges' >> Edit the Service Charge you want to add a new price to >> Click on 'Apply Service Charge Changes' >> Click on 'Get Items to Process' >> Select the service charges items to update >> Click on 'Process Now'.

Client Phone and Mobile to Email templates

You can add the new tags via Administration>> Email Templates >> New Email Template >> Select the template Type as Client >> Select <<Client_Phone>> and/or <<Client_Mobile>> from the Available Tags list

Validate Stripe/WindCave Payment Method

You can now validate your Online Payment Methods credentials via Administration >> Companies >> Edit Company >> On the Company Details page, find the Web Payment Methods section, click on the Validate button to confirm that they are correct.

Send bulk remittance advice

On the Accounting>>Money Out>>Payments Made screen users can select multiple payments and email remittances in bulk to Creditors via the new Send Remittances button. The Email Template to be used will be the new "Creditor Payment" template.

Fixed Asset Improvements

On the Fixed Asset screen a new radio button allows restriction by Site and shows in the new Site column.
The new green plus icon 'Duplicate this Asset' allows duplication of the asset
The Process Depreciation button uses the Asset's site for depreciation

On the Fixed Asset Schedule Report the box 'Export to Excel?' allows exporting to Excel and includes the new Site Name column

Restrict Users Email from

Now you can specify on a system user exactly which email addresses that user can send from. When creating any email in the system the user should only be able to choose email addresses they have been set up with.

Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue where emails were not correctly sent (View Request)
  • Fixed the issue where the Email from the drop-down was changed accidentally when the user used the scroll wheel on the mouse
  • The performance of loading system users from the administration menu has been improved for those organisations that have a high quantity of system users.
  • Fixed the issue when amending the total on a reassigned invoice the amount would be posted to the Original Debtor rather than the new reassigned debtor.
  • The issue where email attachments that contain brackets in the filename were sometimes sent without the file extension has now been fixed.