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  2. Gensolve Audio Enterprise Manager

AEM - Trial Approval Tracking and Reporting

Trial Approval Tracking and Reporting


Specific Products will require approval when they are added to a Trial


Enable Trial Approval Tracking for Enhanced Product Control. Ensure only authorized users can approve Trials and utilize a new report for improved visibility for approved and pending Trials.


1. Go to Companies >> Edit >> Other Settings tab >> Tick "Enable Product Approval for Trials ?" >> Save

2. Go to Products >> Products >> New Product >> Fill in the details >> Tick " Requires approval on Trials? " >>Save

Please note that only System Users with the 'Clients Trial Approval' function enabled on their Access Roles can grant approvals. See:  How to Create a User Access Role

3. Login with a System User who lacks the authorization to approve trial

4.Edit a Client >> Go to Trials & Quotes tab >> New Trial >> Add an Item >> Include the previously created product, which necessitates trial approval >>Click 'Save'

NOTE : Text will appear at the bottom of the table, stating 'This Trial has an item that requires Approval,' and it will also display the 'Approved given by' and 'Date & Time' information.

5. Go to Reports >> Reports >> Select a Report Category : Business >> Select a Report to Run : Audio Trial Approvals >> Select the required Restrict By: filter >>Select the date>> Run Report

6. In the report, the 'Approved' column will indicate 'No' since no one has granted approval yet

7. Login with a System User who has the authorization to approve trial items

8. Go to Front Office >> Trials & Quotes >> Get Data >> Edit the same trial >> Tick on "Approval Given By" and it will display the logged in User's name and the date and time of approval>> Click Save

9. Again go to Reports >> Reports >> Select a Report Category : Business >> Select a Report to Run : Audio Trial Approvals >> Select the required Restrict By: filter>>Select the date>> Run Report

10. The report will display the information about who approved the trial and the date and time of approval