Appointments Not Completed


This report displays all appointments that have not been marked as Completed.

For accounting and reporting purposes, all appointments should be marked as Completed.

This report is used to easily identify those appointments needing to be marked as Completed.

Running the Report

  • Go to Reports >> Reports and select Clinical from the Report Category list.
  • Then select Appointments Not Completed in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.


For Vendor

This filter allows you to run the report for a specific Vendor.

For Site

This filter allows you to run the report for a specific Site.

For Clinician

This filter allows you to run the report for a specific Clinician/Provider.

Date Range

This filter allows you to select a date range for which to run the report.

Set Period to

This filter allows you to set the date range to a specific Period (e.g.: Calendar Year, Financial Year, etc.).

The Generated Report

From within the report, you can click goto to locate the appointment on the appointment book or edit to open the Client Appointment details.