Business Reports

Running Business Reports

Business Reports are financial reports that summarise income from the sale of products and services.

  • Go to Reports >> Reports and select Business from the Report Category list.
  • Then select a report in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.

The Business Reports

Click on a business report below for a more detailed description.



Appointments Owing

This report shows Appointments that are still owing by clients.

Appointments to Invoice

This report shows the total amount of items that are still to be invoiced.

Appointments Without Service Charges

This report shows all appointments that are not linked to a service charge.

Client Appointments Service Charge Detail

This report shows appointments and their associated service charges.

Client Appointments Service Charge Summary

This report shows a summary of charges associated specifically with client appointments, inclusive of 3rd party associated billing.

Client Membership Usage Detail

This report shows the memberships allocated to clients/patients and their usage.

Client Memberships

This report is a great tool for tracking which client has been sold a membership.

Client Payments Report

This report shows a very detailed report of all payments made by clients within a specified timeframe.

Clinician Appointment Detail Report

This report provides a detailed report of all appointments for a specified date range.

Clinician Appointment Summary Report

This report provides a summary report of all appointments for a specified date range.

HICAPS Summary Report

The HICAPS Summary Report shows a breakdown over a specified timeframe of the transactions that have been processed through the HICAPS terminal.

Product Activity Report

This report shows the movement of product stock both in and out for a specified timeframe inclusive of adjustments made to any stocktake.

Product Sales Detail Report

This report shows a detailed report of product related sales for a specified timeframe including Product Name sold, who it was Sold to and Date Sold.