Cancel & Refund a Membership


A client wants to cancel a membership and part of the cost of the membership is to be refunded.


  1. Edit the client membership details:
  1. Click on  next to the client in the Client Header
  2. In the Client Details window, click on the Membership tab then lick Get Data
  3. Edit the membership details (using the icon )
  1. Set the Actual Membership Charge to be the amount of the membership charge that will NOT be refunded
    (Example:. If a $200 membership covers 10 classes and you have agreed to refund the membership after 1 class, then the Actual Membership Charge should be updated to $20).

The client's balance will show the refunded amount. If it is in credit you can either use the balance to pay off future charges (How to Use a Previous Overpayment) or make a refund (How to Create a Payment Refund)