Changing the Location of a form object

The Location of a custom form object is defined as X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) coordinates.

When adding an object to a custom form, its default location is the top left corner (X=0, Y=0) of the panel it has been created in.

The image below shows that the object Enter More Information has been created inside the Fitness panel.

It is displayed in the top left corner of this panel.

The Location property of the new object will be updated so it is displayed below the Exercise Activity object on the form.

  1. Click on the Exercise Activity object in the main form panel to show its Display Properties.
    The Location property is set to X=5, Y=80.

  2. Click on the Enter More Information object in the main form panel to show its Display Properties.
    Update the Location property from X=0, Y=0 to X=5, Y=120.

The new object is now showing below the Exercise Activity object on the custom form.