Claiming and Submitting Stored Bulk Bill and DVA Claims

Medicare Online allows for Claims to be Stored for later submission.  This is the Batch Processing method of submitting Bulk Bill and DVA claims.

Note: The Automatic Reconciliation of Bulk Bill and DVA claims is unable to support this method of claim submission due to the way Services Australia process payment notifications.

You will need to Manually Reconcile claims if you are using this method of claiming and turn off Automatic Reconciliation completely. Failure to do so will result in reconciliation difficulties.

How to Store a Claim

When you Store Bulk Bill or DVA Claims you are not Submitting the Claim to Medicare immediately. You are electing to send the Claim and any other Stored Claims at a later point in time i.e. end of day.

  1. From the Appointment select Client Payment or  from the Client Header as you would do for any other type of payment.
  2. At the Payment screen ensure you have selected the correct Appointment.  Select the Payment Type as Medicare Online or DVA Online depending on the type of Service Item applicable >> Claim
  3. At the New Medicare Claim screen tick Store Claim ? >> Submit Medicare Claim.  This tick box is located in the same place for both Bulk Bill and DVA Claims. Below is an example of a Bulk Bill Claim being Stored.
  4. You will be notified that it has been Stored >> click OK
  5. You can then Choose to View/Print the Claim Receipt by selecting Yes or No
  6. You are returned to the Claim screen, click Finished.
  7. At the Payment screen click Cancel >> No (The Claim will have been Stored and the system updated)

Submitting Stored Claims

Once Claims have been Stored they are now available to be Submitted to Medicare or DVA.  Notewhen submitting Stored Claims, you cannot mix Medicare and DVA Claims, or Claims involving different Providers.

  1. From the Main Menu click on Medicare >> Claims >> It will default to the View being  Stored, if not click on Stored >> Get Data
  2. In order to assist in submitting claims you can also Select the Type of claim (Medicare Bulk Bill or DVA Allied, ignore DVA Paperless unless submitting Stored DVA Medical Claims), Provider, or Site >> Get Data.

  3. Select the Claims you wish to SubmitNotethey must be of the same Type, and the same Provider.

  4. Upon successful submission you will receive a confirmation from Medicare >> click OK.

    Note: the submitted Claims will all now share the same Claim number as detailed in the confirmation.

  5. If you change the Claim screen View to Submitted >> Get Data,  you will now see the Submitted Stored Claims, sharing the same Claim number.

  6. To Reconcile your claim please see the Manual Medicare Reconciliation article.