Clinical Reports

Running Clinical Reports

Clinical Reports give information relating to Client Conditions, Appointments and Treatments linked to those conditions.

  • Go to Reports >> Reports and select Clinical from the Report Category list.
  • Then select a report in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.

The Clinical Reports

Click on a clinical report below for a more detailed description.


Appointments Not Completed

This report shows all Client Appointments that have not been marked as Completed.

Appointments Without Conditions

This report shows Appointments that have not been Associated to a Condition.

Client Appointments Treatments

This report shows Diagnosis and Treatment details.

Client Condition Goals Report

This report shows Client Condition Goals developed with the client.

Clinician Appointment Schedule

This report shows the Appointment Schedule for a given Clinician and a given Date Range.

Clinician Appointment Schedule - Detailed

This report shows a detailed Appointment Schedule for a given Clinician and a given Date Range.

Clinician Appointment Treatments

This report shows all Clinician Appointment Treatments within a specific date range.

Clinician Summary Report

This report shows a Clinician Summary within a specified date range.

Condition Appointment Allowed Status

This report shows a detailed summary of all Appointments Allowed, Used and Remaining for clients with appointments in a specified date range.

Condition Discharge Export

This report shows all Conditions that have been Discharged.

Condition Followups Report

This report shows discharged Conditions requiring a follow-up appointment and where the latter has not yet been completed.

Discharge Summary Report

This report shows treatment outcomes for discharged conditions for a selected date range.

Incomplete Exams Report

This report shows all Appointments that have been not been linked to a Condition and where no Exam Notes have been created or the Exam Notes have not been completed.

Initial vs Follow-Up Report

This report shows Initial consults:Follow-Up consults ratios, which will allow you to track the retention of new patients to the clinic and average numbers of treatments per new referral.

Intra Referrals Report

This report shows any referrals from one Clinician/Provider to another within the same practice.