Clinician Revenue Generated Report - Detailed Description


This report provides a breakdown of Revenue generating activity by clinicians based on the treatment having been provided listing all the treatments in detail. It is an important commission report, especially if the details of the amounts require checking.

It is an essential report for businesses where commission is paid to clinicians based only on whether the treatment has been provided by the clinician. If commission is paid based on payment having been received, please see the Clinician Revenue Paid Report.

Running the Report

  • Go to Accounting >> Accounting Form >> Reports >> Reports and select Business from the Report Category list.
  • Then select Clinician Revenue Generated Report - Detailed in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.


For Vendor

This filter allows you to run the report for a specific Vendor.

Run for a

This filter allows you to run the report data for a specific Client or Clinician.

For Site

This filter allows you to run the report for a specific Site.

Group By

This filter allows you to group the report data by Item Type or Site. Please note that this filter will change how the totals are displayed.

Restrict By

This filter allows you to restrict the report data to the following conditions: Date Created and Date Paid/Invoiced. Please note that this filter will change how the totals are displayed.

Date Range

This filter allows you to select a date range for which to run the report.

Set Period to

This filter allows you to set the date range to a specific Period (e.g.: Calendar Year, Financial Year, etc.).

Include Class casual charge?

This filter allows you to specify whether class casual charges should be included in the report. Please note that this filter will change how the totals are displayed.

Include Tax on Amounts?

This filter allows you to specify whether amounts shown in the report should have tax included.

The Generated Report