Contract Budget Types


There are three types of Budgets that can be applied to Contracts.  This topic will cover how to apply and use these with Contracts.

  • Provider
  • Budgeted Hours
  • Budgeted Value

Pre-requisites: How to Set Up a Contract TypeHow to Create a Contract


Topics Covered:

Setting Up Contract Budgets against the Contract Type

     Budget Group - Hours

     Budget Group - Value

Adding Budgets to a Contract

     Adding Provider Budgets

     Adding Budget Group - Hours

     Adding Budget Group - Value

Setting Up Contract Budgets against the Contract Type

  1. To create a default, or non-default Budget against a Contract Type, go to Contracts >> Contract Types >> Get Data Select a Contract Type to edit or go to Step2 if adding a new Budget.  If you have not created a Contract Type, please see How to Set Up a Contract Type.
  2. Select the Budgets tab >> Add Budget
You can set up 2 types of Budgets from here (NoteProvider Budgets are set against the actual Contract).  Click on the Budget Type and select either Budget Group - Hours, or Budget Group - Value, depending on your requirements.

Budget Group - Hours

  1. In the Contract Type Budget form that appears, select Budget Group- Hours from the Budget Type drop down field 
  2. Enter the Budget Type Name
  3. Tick if this is to be a Default Budget for this Contract Type. This is an optional setting. If ticked, it will then be added by default on all Contracts using this Contract Type. If unticked, the budget can be manually selected on each Contract using this Contract Type
  4. Add any Notes if required
  5. Enter the Budgeted Hours
  6. Restrict to Sub-Type if required.  If no Sub-type is selected, the Budget is made available to all Contracts created using this Contract Type.  To understand Contract Sub-Types please see the Multiple Contract Types link in the See Also at the bottom of the page
  7. If the Budget is going to allow only certain charges, tick Restrict the Charges that this Budget Allows? Then select the relevant charges by clicking Select Charges
  8. Click OK and click Save on the Budget tab

Budget Group - Value

  1. In the Contract Type Budget form that appears, select Budget Group- Value from the Budget Type drop down field
  2. Enter the Budget Type Name
  3. Tick if this is to be a Default Budget for this Contract Type. This is an optional setting. If ticked, it will then be added by default on all Contracts using this Contract Type. If unticked, the budget can be manually selected on each Contract using this Contract Type
  4. Add any Notes if required
  5. Enter the Budget Value
  6. Restrict to Sub-Type if required.  If no Sub-type is selected, the Budget is made available to all Contracts created using this Contract Type.  To understand Contract Sub-Types please see the Multiple Contract Types link in the See Also at the bottom of the page
  7. If the Budget is going to allow only certain charges, tick Restrict the Charges that this Budget Allows? Then select the relevant charges by clicking Select Charges
  8. Click OK and click Save on the Budget tab

Adding Budgets to a Contract

  1. Contracts >> All Contracts >> Get Data
  2. Edit the Contract you wish to add a Default or Non-Default Budget to. 
    Note: For more information on how to create Contracts, please see How to Create a Contract
  3. Click on the Providers & Budgets tab.  
  4. See below for the steps, on how to add each type of Budget to a Contract.

Adding Provider Budgets

Adding Budget Group - Hours

Adding Budget Group - Value

Adding Provider Budgets

  1. In the Budget Type drop down list select Provider

  2. Click the Add Provider button

  3. Select the Provider.  

    NoteOnly add the Provider in once even if there are multiple budgets available

  4. Enter Budgeted Hours

  5. Enter any Notes if relevant

  6. Save
  7. The Provider Budget will now be displayed in the Contract Providers table.  Click Save

Adding Budget Group - Hours

  1. In the Budget Type drop down list select Budget Group - Hours
  2. If you wish to use a Default Budget created against the Contract Type click on Add Default Budgets, it will then be loaded and appear in the Budget Groups - Hours table. Click Save.  
  3. To add a Non-Default Budget of this type, click Add Budget
  4. Click on the Contract Budget Type drop down list to add a budget. Please see the above topic Setting Up Contract Budgets against the Contract Type for more information.  
    Noteif there is nothing to select in the dropdown list, it first needs to be added to the Contract Type.
  5. Budget Name allows you to rename the Budget for this Contract if required
  6. Tick if this Is an Extension Budget? if relevant.  An Extension Budget, is a Budget that has been granted as a add-on Budget after initial Budgeted Hours or Value have been exhausted.
  7. Budget Hours can be amended if required
  8. Click Save
  9. The Budget will now appear in the Budget Type - Hours table.
  10. Select the Contract Providers >> select Default Budget from the drop-down list
  11. Click Save to save the Contract

Adding Budget Group - Value

  1. In the Budget Type drop down list select Budget Group - Value

  2. If you wish to use a Default Budget created against the Contract Type click on Add Default Budgets, it will then be loaded and appear in the Budget Groups - Value table. Click Save.  Please see the above topic Setting Up Contract Budgets against the Contract Type for more information

  1. To add a Non-Default Budget of this type, click Add Budget

  2. Click on the Contract Budget Type drop down list to add a budget

  3. Budget Name allows you to rename the Budget for this Contract if required

  4. Tick if this Is an Extension Budget? if relevant.  An Extension Budget, is a Budget that has been granted as a add-on Budget after initial Budgeted Hours or Value have been exhausted.

  5. Budget Amount can be amended if required

  6. Click Save
  7. The Budget will now appear in the Budget Type - Hours table.
  8. Select the Contract Providers >> select Default Budget from the drop-down list
  9. Click Save to save the Contract