Converting .doc to .docx Files


A file needs to be converted from .doc to .docx


There are two primary reasons why it's useful to have all letter templates in Gensolve stored as .docx files, not .doc files.

  1. It removes any potencial issues with Microsoft Word. When the document is a .docx file the letter is created on our own server, and then passed to Gensolve. All Word has to do is open it. When the letter is a .doc file, it is created locally on the user's computer which means that if there are any issues with the Word merge process, the letter will not be created.
  2. It removes the need for Microsoft Word when creating letters. Any program that can open .docx files, such as Open Office or Libre Office should be able to open letters created as .docx through Gensolve


In Gensolve find the .doc you want to convert and open it:

  1. Go to Administration >> Letter Templates.
  2. The Template Uploaded From column will show the type at the end of each line.


    Note: If the line is too long, hover over it to see all the information.

  3. Click on the second  to open the file.

    Note: You can save a copy of your .doc as a backup, since you will overwrite it with the .docx file

  4. Click Save as
  5. Choose a location to save it in your computer.
  6. Select Word Document (*.docx)
  7. Click Save

    Follow the steps below to upload the new .docx file:
  1. Click on  to edit the letter template.
  2. Click Save
  3. Click Yes


  4. Find and select the .docx you have previously saved

    NotePlease check that the newly created .docx letter template works by creating a letter for a client using the template, if you are happy with it you can move on to converting the next letter template from .doc to .docx