Create a New Referrer

  1. Go to Front Office >> Referrers

Click on New Referrer and enter the referrer's details in the Referrer Details  tab

  1. Click on the Other Settings tab if you want to specify which site(s) this referrer is available to

  2. Click Save.

Note : Use the Letters and Uploads tab to create and upload communication between the referrer and the practice that is not client related.


You can choose to create a new clinic when creating a new referrer
  • Click on the  to create a New Clinic

  • Once the new clinic details have been entered, the new clinic will be automatically assigned to the referrer
  • You can then proceed with the creation of the new referrer.


If an HealthLink EDI number has been specified when creating the Clinic, tick HealthLink Enabled? and Use Clinic Settings?

For more information on using HealthLink with GPM, see Using HealthLink Messaging Service with GPM.