Edit an Invoiced Appointment


The details of an appointment need to be edited but the appointment details window does not allow the items to be edited.

In addition, the Ready to Invoice Debtor checkbox is disabled (ie. greyed out).


This indicates than an invoice has been raised for the appointment. Editing the appointment details would invalidate the invoice.

This applies if the appointment items are charged to a debtor other than the client.


You must delete the invoice before you can change the item details for the appointment:

  1. Open the Client Details window by clicking on the  next to the client's name on the Client Header

  2. On the Client Details window select the Accounts tab, then click on the Invoices sub-tab

  3. Locate the invoice which relates to the affected appointment and click  to delete it. (see Important below)

  4. Edit the appointment as needed

  5. Create a new invoice if required.


If there are notes or other information that need to be kept from the old invoice, it would be preferable to export this information before deleting it.

To export the old invoice: 

  1. Click  to display the invoice in the Report Viewer
  2. Click the export icon and export it to a MS Word document.
  3. Copy the notes or other information from this document and paste them into the new invoice.