GPM AU Release 7.2 March 2020

Release Notes Summary when logging in after a new update

  • When starting the application the latest release notes will now be shown to the user. The pop up can be viewed again at anytime from the Help menu > View Latest Release Notes.

Address Finder (View Request)

  • You can now find addresses by typing in the 'Search' field and possible address matches will appear as you type.

Email 'Suggestions' button will display relevant linked addresses (View Request)

  • Now when sending emails for Clients, a Suggestion button will allow you to quickly view other entities related to the Client. These can be selected and included in the email either as to, cc or bcc

Waiting List Improvements (View Request)

  • An icon will be displayed at the bottom of a provider's calendar column if a client is on the waiting list for an appointment for that site, on that day and with that provider (or if 'book with Any Provider' is selected)
  • You can now add a duration and a priority label (low, normal or high) to a client on the Waiting List. This can be accessed via the top Clients menu >> View the waiting list. The Waiting List will be ordered by priority high to low  by default.


  • To enabled for your Organisation add your MailChimp API to Gensolve via Vendor >> Edit Vendor >> Other Settings >> MailChimp API Key >> Save
  • You can now export information to your MailChimp Audiences. This can be accessed via Reports >> Template Merge >> Choose Object Type to Merge (Ie. Clients or Clinicians) >> Add Mandatory and/or Optional Restrictions >> Get Matching Rows >> For "Select the Merge action to take" choose Send each row to MailChimp >> Run the Merge.

Medicare Claim Products

  • You can use Gensolve to create Medicare Products and use it when creating appointments. You can configure it via Products >> Products >> Edit >> Click on '...' box to select the Medicare Item Number >> Enter the product Code >> Select >> Fill the Product Details as required >> Save. Once the product is configured you can create the Appointments with Medicare Products and Services and then submit them to Medicare. If the claims are processed an paid these ones will be automatically reconciled. You can also view that the statement report now has the product and services submitted to Medicare.

Medicare Default Payee

  • You can now set a default Payee per site via Administration >> Vendors >> Edit the Vendor >> Click on Medicare Settings tab >> Click on Add Default Payee for Site

Inactivate a Site (View Request)

  • A site can now be made inactive. This can be set via Administration >> Sites, and edit your site to set the Active status. Inactive Sites will not show in lists unless they had been previously selected

Inactivate a Payment Type (View Request)

  • A payment type can now be marked as inactive. This will remove the payment type as an option when making new payments.

Site report access for users (View Request)

  • A new setting has been added to users to specify whether they are allowed to run reports for "All Sites". This is set on the System User details, Other Settings tab. When disabled, the user will only have the option to run reports for Sites and Site Groups that they have been given access to. A new checkbox shows on the Administration>System Users for for each user showing if they have All Site access on Reports.

System User Search

  • You can now search for system users by name or display name under Administration>System Users. A checkbox has been added to show for each user if they are active

Email Improvements

  • When adding an Attachment to a new Email, you can now create new letters if required. 
  • When viewing attachments on a new Email, any changes will now be saved against the attached letter or upload file.
  • When adding an Attachment to a new Healthlink, you can now create new letters if required. 
  • When viewing attachments on a new Healthlink Messages, any changes will now be saved against the attached letter or upload file.
  • You can now use the following email tags on Client (and related) email templates:
    «GP_TITLE»                           The client's GP Title
    «GP_FIRST_NAME»               The client's GP First Name
    «GP_LAST_NAME»                The client's GP Last Name
    «GP_FULL_NAME»                The client's GP Full Name
    «GP_FULL_NAME_TITLE»      The client's GP Full Name including Title
    «MED_CENTRE_NAME»        The client's Medical Centre name
    «CLIENT_ADDRESS»             The client's Address on multiple lines
    «CLIENT_ADDRESS1»           The client's Address on one lines
    «CLIENT_DOB»                     The client's Date of Birth
  • You can now use the following email tags for Conditions:
    «INSURER_NAME»               The Condition Insurer Name
    «REFERRED_BY»                   The Condition Referred By Name

Manual Posting Report in Accounting Form

  • You can now generate a Manual Posting report which can be filtered by Created Date or Posting Date. You can generate it via Accounting >> Select the Report to run: Manual Posting report

Gensolve Web - Standard and SOTAP Exams

  • You can now use the Standard and SOTAP Exam from Gensolve Web in any browser. You can draw in Body Diagram, Hand Image and 24h Pain Last with your finger. You can also add Shortcuts to insert a specific text in each text field.

Clinic Portal (Online Booking) improvements

  • The user will no longer have to select either the site or the provider type when only one site or one provider type exists for the clinic. The options will now be automatically selected.
  • During the registration process, the gender selection is now displayed as optional, and the password criteria is displayed before entering the password (eg "password must contain at least 8 characters"). The date of birth is now retained in the event of other mandatory fields not being entered when saving.
  • Performance improvements have been made on the online booking portal including improved search result speed when searching for available clinicians and appointments.
  • The issue is fixed where sometimes the Provider Type name in the search results was showing incorrectly.
  • The issue is fixed where sometimes multiple pages were displayed below the provider incorrectly and would display blank pages on subsequent pages.

Custom/Smart Forms

  • When viewing exam notes based on a Custom Subjective form, if the Treament/Anaylsis/Plan form is set not to show, the completed notes checkboxes will now show. This allows completed notes to be marked as incomplete if required.
  • There is now a new setting on a checkbox Custom Field "ValidateMandatoryFields". When this is set, and the checkbox is checked by the user, it will force all Mandatory fields to be provided when saving.
  • You can now create custom fields of the List of Values kind to add to your custom forms.
  • When creating a Custom Form for Clients, you can now use the system fields for "Include in Mailouts" and "Gender"
  • A new setting "PreventMouseScroll" has been added for ComboBox Custom Fields which prevents the mouse wheel from changing a fields value when the field does not have focus.
  • Form Entries saved as uploaded pdf files after being filled in online, will now show the Form Name as the description rather than 'Form Entry'.
  • Now, when using a Custom form with the field "Referral Source", only the referral sources that are active will show in this drop down.
  • Form fields can now be used in any form. When exporting the form entries with these field types to Excel and word templates the correct values are exported.


  • The Condition Summary Report can now be run for a custom date range instead of only calendar months.
  • Blank spaces will no longer appear on the Assessment / Notes Report when clinical notes span more than one page.
  • DebtorId and Debtor name have been added to the NDIS Report.
  • Fixed the issue where blank columns were displayed in the Condition Referral Report for Clients self referred.


  • You can now add other payments to an existing Creditor Payment Batches that have not yet been included in a Bank reconciliation.
  • Now you can set and view quantities on Expense line Items.
  • Now you will get a warning message when changing a Debtor's name.

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Private conditions will now show the Count on the appointment
  • Fixed the error when the HICAPS Services F119 and F438 were selected.
  • Claims resubmitted are correctly reconciled.
  • When sending an email from the Letters & Uploads area, the email form will now remain open in the background if other forms are selected.
  • You can now run merges using new Condition Restrictions: "Referral Date" and "Referral Expiry Date".
  • Allow Create/Edit User from Clinician details if the logged in System User has the appropriate permissions to do so.
  • When creating a new GP from the Client Details window and linking it to a Medical Centre, this information will be automatically populated upon saving the information.
  • When sending an email with attachment(s) and selecting the option to create an event, the Event will now show the name of the attachments at the end of the text details. (View Request)
  • Access to the 'Web Configuration' section can now be restricted within User Access Role permissions.
  • You can now view, edit and create appointment schedules from the Clinician Details form. The new 'Appt Schedules' tab will allow easier set up of schedules when creating new or editing existing clinicians.
  • When viewing the calendar in 'Room View', only appointments at that site will be visible.
  • When entering a Condition Discharge, you can now enter up to 4000 characters into the summary field.
  • Fixed the issue where inactive providers appeared on the provider drop down in the appointment 'Book Again' area.
  • Student names will now appear on the appointment control in the same format for both clinician and non clinician appointments and the Hide Client Name function will now work as expected when student names are shown on the control.
  • The text and checkboxes next to General Health and Medication fields are now easier to read.
  • Fixed the issue that occurred creating an Event Template when the system user had no default event type selected.
  • Fixed the issue where the bottom of the calendar could be cut off in some cases.
  • Merge Field <<IsEPCFunded>> has now been added to the Condition Template.
  • A new merge field for Clinician Code <<Code>> has been added to related Letter Templates.
  • 'Send SMS' option will only be displayed if the vendor does have SMS enabled.