GPM AU Release Notes Version 6.10 – May 2019

New Features & Improvements

Show client name sorted last name, first name on new Daily Takings (View Request)

You can now view Client Name sorted by last name, first name for Debtor Payments and Cash Sales in Daily Takings History.

Viewing attached Upload file when creating a Healthlink message (View Request)

You can now see the files uploaded from a client when selecting an attachment on a Healthlink message.

Psychology HICAPS Item Code Error (View Request)

The Psychology Hicaps code is now displayed as 200.

Contract charges in alphabetical order (View Request)

Now the contract charges appear in alphabetical order on a contract appointment when selecting the Contract Charge Type drop down.

Revenue Details Report incorrectly displaying (View Request)

Issue fixed where some appointments were showing incorrectly in the Revenue Details Report as not charged to the debtor.

Medicare Classes Development (View Request)

You can use Gensolve Practice Manager to create and manage weekly classes. You can now create Weekly classes to allow recurring class bookings to be created and maintained together. You can create it via Front Office >> Weekly Classes. Here you can add a Medicare Service Charge and Set Classes Dates for a specific Medicare Provider. Once classes are created, each weekly classes can be edited separately to include all Clients with DVA/ Medicare ID.

Medicare Claiming more than once (View Request)

Once you have submitted a Claim, "Finished" button is displayed at the bottom of the screen to finalize the Claim process. 
There is now a warning message to advise a client when the selected services have already been claimed.

Claim ID is displayed in the Full History

You can now view all claims submitted for a specific client. You can view it via Edit Client >> Full History >> Tick "Medicare Online". There is displayed the Claim ID in Details field. You can also edit the appointment related to a specific Claim ID.

Medicare Online - Client Details Screen displaying old and inactive providers (View Request)

The patient Verification Details displays the earliest date of Service calendar view and servicing Provider drop-down with only the providers set as 'active' on that vendor. the Provider Number drop-down with all the provider numbers set for the selected clinician.

Show Service Charge on Reminders view

When sending a reminder, on ‘Details’, you can now see displayed the Service Charge select on the appointment created.

Import Invoices

A new feature has been added via  Accounting Form >> Money In >> Import Invoices. Use the "View Excel Example" button to get an example excel document with instructions on how to use it.

Allow appointment creation buffer from "now" to be configurable

You can now customize the appointments’ duration via Administration >> Web Configuration >> General Settings >> Set minutes on ‘Allow bookings from now + ‘

DEX services that have a $0.00

DEX classes with a charge less or equals than Zero are displayed.


  • New fields have been added to the Clients report.
  • New ‘Service charges’ report has been created.
  • New ‘Sites’ report has been created.
  • New ‘Providers’ report has been created.
  • New ‘Appointments’ has been created.


Fixes and Updates

Update to TLS 1.2 for WCF on GPM

GPM is not supported by Windows XP PC

Improve Client LOV Refresh performance

Now all LOVs are updated from multiple instances, the header on the main form is refreshed correctly for both new and existing clients.

Fix out of Memory sending Emails

You can now send emails with attachments of maximum 10MB.

Clinician types filtered by Site selected

The Clinician Types filtered by Site selected on Clinic Portal.

Set Default site on Clinic Portal when visiting a Site Landing page

Site displayed by default when visiting a lite landing page.

Appointment Screen over Splash Screen

The Appointment Screen should be closed once the Splash Screen is displayed so that appointments are not allowed to be created once the session has expired.

Xero fix total display when unselecting items

Now, when individual items are enabled and items are selected or un-selected the displayed, the total is updated correctly.