GPM AU Release Notes - Version 6.3 - June 2017

New Features 

Contract Type default duration weeks

You can now set a default duration (in weeks) on a Contract Type (via Contracts >> Contract Types). This will then be used when creating a new contract with the contract type previously edited (via Contracts >> All Contracts). When changing the contract Start date you will now be asked if you want to automatically set the end date if a contract duration has been specified.

Allow SMS Template when creating Client SMS

You can now apply a saved SMS template (Administration >> SMS Templates) when creating an SMS for a Client Select Client >> Phone icon next to the mobile phone. Only the SMS Template Type "Client" will show in the drop down for the Templates.

Dynamic Form Score Field

You can now add fields to Dynamic Forms that show the scores of one or more linked fields in the Form. This allows you to have a display field that can show the score for a subsection of the form.

Custom Contract Mandatory Settings

You can now specify on A Custom Contract Type if any of the following fields should be mandatory when creating a Custom Contract: Client Date of Birth, Date of Injury, Purchase Order Number (via Contracts >> Contract Types).

All Custom Contracts Access

You can now search by either the Lead Provider or where the Provider is linked to a Contract. A new role has been created to allow a user to see Contracts where they are the lead provider or where they are a Linked provider. This can be set on an access role under Administration >>User Access Role (User is Linked Provider). 

Default Event Type to Null on User

You can now set the default event type for a user to nothing so they always have to choose the event type when recording an event. Front Office >> Events.

Dynamic Forms Score Formula

You can now add Formula fields to a Custom form using any of the following three fields: TotalScore, NoOfQuestions, AnsweredQuestions. An example of a formula could be 100 * AnsweredQuestions/NoOfQuestions to get the percentage of questions answered in a form Administration >> Custom Forms.

Site System Users:

You can now see all users linked to a site on the Administration>Sites form. From here you can also add and remove users from a site using a single pop-up form using the new button on each Site row.

Address Verification

You can now request to turn on an option that allows you to verify address information entered on the client details. This service is provided by a third party and costs 10c per request. An address when verified will return the related post code and additional information.

User and Site Commission

You can now set up Commission Templates to assist with paying staff based on work done.

You can now configure Commission Templates to automatically calculate Commission owing to Contractors or Employees for they have done in the system. This is done on the Accounting Form>Money Out>Commission Templates. For the various types or revenue (for example Product Sales or Appointment Charges), you configure a Commission percentage and/or fixed amount. The commission template can be based on the date of the related invoice or appointment, or it can be based on the date the business receives payment of the item. On a template you then define the users (Clinicians/General Staff) that belong to the template.

Once configured you can then process the commission to pay for a given period of time. ( Accounting Form>Money Out>Commission Due). For each User that has commission owing you can then process this which will create a Commission Batch and this will automatically generate an Expense. (For Contract Charges this will automatically link the expense to the Contract and can be seen on the Expenses tab of the respective Contract). Once a revenue item has been included in a Commission Batch it will no longer come up to process again unless you explicitly request it. Any items already process will be highlighted, warning that it has already been included in a batch. For each user you can view a report and spreadsheet of items that will be included prior to creating the batch. This can be used to verify the items being processed.

The history of batches created will show under Accounting Form>Money Out>Commission Batches. From here you view reports and Excel output of the items in a batch. You can also delete any batches created in error.

In addition to calculating commission for Employees/Users, you can also link Sites to a batch. This is used when you have Child Sites performing work on behalf of the parent site. This process works the same as it does for User, but in addition an Invoice will be created from the Parent Site back to the child site with line items for each commission revenue item. The full amount will show as revenue and the Commission will show as Cost of Sales on the invoice.

New Custom Form Fields

New system fields for Contract Custom Forms now available to use: "Date Referred", "Contract Start Date", "Contract Plan Report Due", "Contract Plan Report Completed", "Contract Progress Report Due", "Contract Progress Report Completed", "Contract Completion Report Due", "Contract Completion Report Completed", "Contract Partial RTW Date", "Contract Full RTW Date", "Contract Duration Weeks", "Contract Service End Date", "Contract Purchase Order No", "Contract Vendor No", "Contract Product No", "Contract Notes" 

Custom Field Exporting 

You can now set Export Tags for Custom Fields to be used on Word and Excel exports.

Contract Custom Form

You can now link a Custom Contract Type to your own Custom Form. When this is done the Custom form will show as a tab on the Contract details for Contracts of that Type.

Custom Contract Exporting to Excel
Under Contracts>All Contracts, you can now export retrieved contract information to Excel directly from this form.

Firstly, create a new Excel spreadsheet, insert the required merge fields into it and save locally on your computer. The merge fields are found under Administration>Letter Templates, choose Template Type Contract>Excel Example.

To export to Excel, go to Contracts>All Contracts, select required Contract/s>Export Data, locate the created spreadsheet and Open. The spreadsheet will open with the merged data.


Other Improvements and Fixes

  • Contract Payment Report Invoice Number: There is an update for the Contract Site Payment Details Report which now shows the related invoice that an item was in if it has been invoiced. (via Reports >> Contract Site Payment Details)
  • Product Sales in Client History: There is now an option to see Client's Product Sales on the client Full History form. Select a Client >> Full History >> Product Sales.
  • Service Charge Provider Ordering: There is now an alphabetical ordering for sites and providers in the "Availability" column when viewing existing Service Charges (Administration>Service Charges).
  • Clinician Appointment History: There is now an option to see the Appointment History of a Provider/Clinician appointment. Right mouse click on the appointment and select Appointment History.
  • Completed By on All Events: There is now a checkbox option to view the Completed By user when viewing the Events history. Front Office >> Events.
  • Select Ledger on new Invoice from QIF: There are now ledgers automatically set on the Invoice line item when creating an Invoice from a QIF if the Debtor matched has a Default Sales ledger Banking>> Reconcile from QIF>> edit item >> New Invoice.
  • Insurer Schedule Default Ledger:
    You can now specify a Revenue Ledger for Insurer schedules
    Debtor Details>> Insurer Billing Details>> Schedule Invoice Options >> Schedule Revenue Ledger.
  • QIF Bank Rec : There is now a highlight in QIF when the Statement date is more than 3 days from the item date in GPM. Banking>> Reconcile from QIF.
  • Cater for when Class has a deleted membership: There is now a warning message that will pop up if you are trying to delete a client membership (Select Client> Memberships) which has been used for a class. 
  • New Letter Default Provider Type: When creating a new Condition or Condition Exam letter and the user is not linked to a Clinician, the Provider Type will now default to the related Condition's Clinician provider type.
  • Products to Order Group report by Manufacturer : There is now an option to group the Products to Order Report by Manufacturer or Product Group.
  • Custom Contracts Client List: Fixed the issue where when changing Vendors and then viewing the Contracts Client list, it was not being updated.
  • Appointment Status when creating an Exam: Fixed the issue where the Appointment status was not showing when creating new exams based on existing appointments