GPM AU Release Notes Version 6.9 - January 2019

New and Requested Features added

Client Name on Daily Takings

The Client Name is now sorted by 'last name, first name' for payments in the Daily Takings.

Default Clinician Schedule

When a new Appointment schedule is created, the From & To Dates are set by default from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Sender & Receipt Details

You can now view Sender & Receipt address emails when an email event has been recorded. You can view it via Edit a Client > Events tab.

Client Date of Death Tag

The client Date of Death is now available as a merge field.

Gender field on Clinic Portal

You can now create users from GPM Clinic's Portal without having to specify sex.

Revenue Item Details Excel Export

You can now optionally export the Attributed to Id, Item Type Id, Original Item Site Id and Item Id values for each item, when exporting the Revenue Item Details report to Excel.

Number Show Zero (0) as Dash in Custom Forms

A new setting allows the user to specify if a number of text fields should show zeros as dashes. Administration >> Custom Form >> New Form.

Contact Email in Clinic Portal

A user can now edit their Contact Email within the Clinic Portal. If the user needs to recover their password the email originally set when the new account was created must be entered.

Discharge Summary Excel

There is now an option to export the Discharge Summary Report to Excel and also run by the Condition's site

Classes Count

When exporting the Clinician Capacity report to Excel, the Class Hours and counts will now also be exported.


API Updates

API Checkbox on Appointment Schedules

There is a new checkbox on the Appointment Schedule Screen to allow API Reports to be applied to the Clinic Portal. This checkbox only appears after fitting the first 'Web Enabled' checkbox IF the user has 'API Full Access'. You can configure it via Administration >> User Access Roles >> Create a New Access Role >> Tick "API Access"

API Client Report

You can now run Client Report using Client_Id, Date_Created, Date_Updated filters.


Other Updates

Online Bookings

When a user selects an appt in Clinic Portal then logs in afterwards, the user is now redirected to appointment details instead of the home page.

Xero Improvements

Applied changes to help with Xero export performance and reduce the calls required to reduce the chances of hitting the Xero imposed communication limits.

Antivirus blocking Gensolve updates?

Please note that certain anti-virus applications can block applications like Gensolve without warning when updates occur.