GPM AU Release Notes Version 7.0 – Oct 2019

New Features & Improvements

NDIS Integration

You can use Gensolve Practice Manager to create and use NDIS Services and create appointments with these services to be displayed in the NDIS Report. You can configure it via Administration >> Service Charges >> Create the Service >> Enter the NDIS Support Number. You can also view a new field in the Client Details and Provider Details with the NDIS Registration Number, this number is automatically assigned by the system and is displayed in the NDIS Report along with the NDIS Service and Invoice data. Once an Appointment is invoiced with a NDIS Service, a new row will be displayed in the NDIS Report. You can generate the report in the API Reports.

IHI Integration

You can use Gensolve Practice Manager to search clients by Address Verification, IHI Number Verification, Medicare Card Number Verification, DVA Card Number Verification, International Address Verification, and the server will retrieve the following IHI Status: Active/Verified, Active/Unverified, Active/Verified with Medicare Card, Deceased/Verified, Deceased/Unverified, Resolved, Provisional, Retired or Expired, according to the Client Status. 

Servicing Provider for an Appointment (View Request)

You can now view the Servicing Provider automatically set by default in the Medicare Online Claim Details.

Servicing Provider for a Class (View Request)

You can now view the Servicing Provider automatically set by default in the Medicare Online Claim Details according to the Provider set in the Class.

GST Column on invoices (View Request)

You can now view services and products marked with “ * “ to indicate on which items of an invoice, the tax is applied to. 

Date in the Future (View Request)

Fixed the issue when the “error  9204: Date is in the future” was displayed when a Claim was tried to be submitted with the Appointment Date and Referral Date in the past.

 Inactivity Timeout

You can now set the Inactivity Timeout per each system user as required. You can configure it via Administration >> System users >> Edit the System user >> Set Inactivity Timeout.

Medicare Claim Products

You can use Gensolve Practice Manager to create Medicare Products and use it when creating appointments. You can configure it via Products >> Products >> Edit >> Click on “...” box to select the Medicare Item Number >> Enter the product Code >> Select >> Fill the Product Details as required >> Save. Once the product is configured you can create the Appointments with Medicare Products and Services and then submit them to Medicare. If the claims are processed an paid these ones will be automatically reconciled. You can also view that the statement report now has the product an services submitted to Medicare. 

Automatic Reconciliation for Medicare Classes

You can now have all classes reconciled according to the Benefit amount displayed in the Processing & Payment Report. A Payment Receipt and Daily Takings will be generated according to the Site and Bank Account submitted in the creation claim. You will also have a new row via Edit Clients >> Click on the Accounts tab >> Payments and here you can view all payment details related to the claim. You can also view the claim status via Edit Client >> Full History >> Tick “Medicare Online” and here you will get a list of all claims processed with the status “paid” if it was automatically or manually reconciled.

Medicare notification for unpaid claims

You can now vie the number of claims that were not paid between brackets in the Medicare tab on the main menu and Next to the Reconciliation Button.

Medicare DVA Merge Fields

You can now create letter templates using the following Medicare and DVA Merge Fields:  «MedicareNumber» «MedicareIRN» «MedicareEntitlementNumber» «DvaNumber» «DvaWhiteFlag» «VendorName». You can get the Word and Excel Example via Administration >> Letter Templates >> Select the Template Type: Client/ Condition/ Condition Exam / Vendor >> Click on Word Example/ Excel Example.