GPM AU Release Notes Version 7.3 - April 2020

Telehealth Appointments

You can now use Gensolve's integrated Telehealth solution to conduct video appointments securely online.

To set this up:

  1. Enable Telehealth on an appointment.
  2. Send the client an email containing the Telehealth link. Your client will click on the link just before the appointment starts.
  3. When the appointment is due to begin, click the 'Start Telehealth' button on the appointment to launch your Telehealth Session.

1. Enable an appointment for Telehealth

An appointment can be enabled for Telehealth by manually selecting the Telehealth option on an appointment.

The Telehealth option can also be turned on automatically for all appointments created at a specific site, or for all appointments linked to a  specific service charge:

  1. Turn on the Telehealth option for a specific site to set all new appointments created at that site to be Telehealth enabled. Go to Administration > Site, edit your site > Other Details tab.
  2. Turn on the Telehealth option for specific service charges to set any appointments where that service charge is newly selected to be Telehealth enabled. Go to Administration > Charge Types, edit your service charge and select telehealth enabled.

A  video icon will be displayed on a Telehealth appointment when viewing your Calendar View.

Setting up the automatic Telehealth enabled appointments at a specific site or for specific service charges is required when you have online booking enabled so that the client's confirmation email includes the Telehealth link.

2 a) Send Telehealth details to your client via Email (when not booked online)

Click on the 'Send Email' button on Telehealth enabled appointments.

A pre-loaded email template will automatically populate the details of the appointment including the link for the client to join the Telehealth Session as well as other appointment information. The email can be edited before sending.

To change the pre-loaded email template or to create a new one go to:

  1. Administration > Email Templates. Edit the existing Telehealth template or create a new one. The email template must be based on a 'Client Appointment' template type.
  2. Alternatively edit your Vendor Details > Client & Appointment Settings tab, and set the default email template for Telehealth Appointments and / or edit or create new templates from here.

The new Email Template type 'Client Appointment' contains many useful tags that populate appointment information including the tag for the telehealth link «APPT_TELEHEALTH_URL»

The 'Client Appointment' template type also has an option to 'Include a calendar event attachment to the email'. This allows the client to save the appointment to their calendar, for example as an event in their gmail, yahoo, outlook calendars.

If you do not have your email domain configured to work with Gensolve, you can use the 'Copy Telehealth' button on the appointment to copy the client's Telehealth link to your clipboard. From here,  paste it using Ctrl-V into your own email provider ie Outlook.

2 b) Send Telehealth details to your client via Email (when booked online)

Booking a Telehealth appointment via the online booking portal will automatically send a confirmation email to the client which includes the Telehealth link as well as a calendar event with the link included in the event details

Appointments that are booked online will be Telehealth enabled if they are booked at a site where the site has been configured to set all appts as Telehealth, or if the client chooses a service charge that has been set as telehealth enabled.

3. Launch Telehealth Session

When the appointment is due to begin, click the 'Start Telehealth' button from the appointment.

If the client has started the session before you join, they will be waiting for you to join.


Online Payments

Now Clients are able to pay online for their appointments using either an online Stripe account or a PxPay account with WindCave. 

An account with either Stripe or WindCave is required and be aware that these online payment solutions will incur a charge for their services, either as a small amount per transaction with Stripe or a monthly fee as in WindCave's case.

Once you have your account details, link to Gensolve by selecting the correct Payment Method in your Vendor Details and enter your account id and key as required. The account settings can be overridden on Site Details if you have different accounts per site.  

To send a payment link to your clients, simply send an email based on a 'Client Appointment' Template that includes the tag for <<CLIENT_ONLINE_PMT_URL>>

An example email template has been loaded called 'Completed Appt Payment'. The email can be populated for a client by right clicking on an appointment and selecting 'Send Email' and choosing the Template to apply.

When the client clicks the payment url, they will be a directed to our site where they will see a list of their outstanding items and can choose which items to pay. The Pay Now button will take them to your respective online payment solution site.

You can also configure the email to generate automatically when an appointment is completed as outlined below. 

Completed Appointment Email Event

You can now configure an email to be displayed on completion of an appointment. This is useful when you have online payment integration and you wish to send the client a link to pay online.

A new email template called 'Completed Appt Payment Email' has been pre-loaded and contains a link for the client to pay outstanding amounts. This template can be edited or a new email template can be created (using the 'Client Appointment' template type). 


Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue where blank columns were displayed in the Condition Referral Report for Clients self referred.
  • You can now use the following tags for client email addresses on Email templates that allow client details: CLIENT_HOME_EMAIL, CLIENT_WORK_EMAIL. This is useful when sending information to third parties that may require the client email address to be provided