GPM NZ Release Notes Version 6.12 – September 2019

Improved ACC Integration

The method for lodging Claims and Schedules with ACC has been updated and now integrates with ACC using their API protocol. This removes the dependency on ACC's java applet and simplifies the process of submission of ACC45s and Schedules.

Submit ACC45

A single click will now allow you to lodge a claim in one step without the need to open the ACC website.

  • Click on the 'Submit ACC45' button on a client's Condition to submit the claim to ACC.
  • A Digital Certificate is still required to be installed on the PC submitting the Claim, and you will be asked to Allow Access, or to select the certificate when more than one valid certificate is found. 
  • A message will be returned if the Claim fails ACC's validation, such as the Claim Number is not unique and the claim can be updated manually and Submitted again.
  • The ACC45 will move to the Receipted area when successfully submitted.

Other fixes and updates 

  • For Commission Templates, you now have the option to include Contract Charges based on when they occurred regardless of whether they have been invoiced. This will also allow commission to be paid on Contract Charges that have no charge being invoiced to the Debtor/Insurer.
  • Details of a User Access Role can now be exported to Excel. This provides a different view of the permissions enabled for a specific User Access Role and can be a useful tool for comparisons with other User Access Roles.
  • A Client Appointment Charge can no longer be deleted when the charge has been paid and then refunded.
  • When adding letter templates, sites, or providers to a service charge the lists will now be ordered alphabetically.
  • Class appointment notes now show the client’s ‘known as’ name
  • Updated the Client details so the NHI number will always be saved with uppercase Letters.
  • Fixed the issue that occurred when creating a recurring expense that automatically gets paid, where the template had no bank account set.
  • Fixed the issue where a clinician’s Contract Type could default to the last option on their list of available Contract Types when creating a new appointment.