GPM NZ Release Notes Version 7.10 - 2021

New Features and Improvements

  • Allow Client vaccination status to be set on the Client details Recource on Vaccination Status
  • Updates for Acupuncturists have been included to cater for the new ACC changes: "From 15 December, the number of treatments funded by ACC will change from 16 treatments over 52 weeks to 12 treatments over 12 weeks from the client’s first appointment with their acupuncturist."
    • Any current and all new conditions will automatically show the new allowance of 12 appointments.
    • The 12-week expiry date will be calculated for you once the first appointment of a new condition is saved. For existing conditions, the expiry date will be set as 12 weeks from the subsequent appointment after 15th December. Expiry dates will also be updated if that initial appointment is rescheduled or cancelled, for example.
    • For existing conditions, the allowance will be displayed as the total number of appointments used prior to the 15th of December + the additional 12 new appointments.

Other Fixes and Features

  • The 'Claim No' tag on the Invoice Recovery email templates will now display correctly when emailing Insurer Schedules.
  • When emailing a Letter from the Contract Details form, the email suggestions for the Contract will now be available.
  • Insured Counts will be used for Allied Health Contracts if set on the read code
  • File Type in Uploads is now mandatory again.
  • The Invoice view when using Invoices To Create no longer duplicates invoice details when displaying more than one invoice.
  • Reassigning Group Form Entries for Assessments now updates to the new condition correctly.
  • An issue with Healthlink messages and clients with no gender set in Gensolve has been resolved.
  • When sending forms via email a suggestions box is now available.
  • Claim Review now including past EPN appt in counts
  • Remove discharged conditions from the Claim Reviews Due
  • New API Endpoints for Ledgers and Payment Types
  • Update for PhysioSpecialist to show Code PST2 correctly
  • When rebooking a cancelled PT01 appointment the new appointment will now also be PT01 (rather than PT02)
  • Custom Contract Detailed Report - Add filter for 'All Incomplete' or 'All Approved' for this report. 
  • When creating a new event for a user(s), you can now enter part of the name to filter the results
  • New merge fields have been added to the Contract Template for the first appointment linked to the contract: FirstTmtDate and FirstTmtTime
  • When booking online, the selection of the type of appointment to be booked is now positioned on the left-hand side.
  • Ability to add a Default email Template to a Debtor/Insurer 


  • Web Booking Portal Facebook login - Due to changes in the Terms and Conditions for Facebook, it seems that Facebook auth users need the ability to completely remove their account details from the database but due to us having to keep health records for 7 years we can't comply.
  • Fixed the issue with the F4 function displaying an error