GPM NZ Release Notes Version 7.4 - Jun 2020

New Features and Improvements


Online Payments

Payments made online will now be reflected within Gensolve. For example charges in Gensolve will show as being paid after the online transaction has been successfully completed.

If your online payment solution is via Stripe, the transaction fee will show against the appointment as an expense.

The online payment link can now also be sent to debtors via an invoice or statement email. Adding the Online Payment Link tag to your Invoice Recovery and Debtor Statement email templates will allow the debtor to pay any or all items currently outstanding. This is in addition to the existing online payment functionality where a client can be sent the online payment link via the Client Appointment email template.

Please see our Support Centre pages for information on how to set up Online Payments ...

Restrict Service Charges by Provider Type

When configuring service charges there is now an additional option to restrict by Provider Type from the Visibility and Ledgers tab.

This is useful when you have multiple provider types and your service charges are specific to one or several Provider Types in your clinic. Configuring the Service Charge by provider type, in these cases, will also save time when adding new providers to your system in the future because adding providers to service charges individually will no longer be necessary.

Telehealth Updates

Gensolve Telehealth is now compatible with Safari.

Additional information has been added to the screens your client sees to assist with the installation process.

Claim Numbers on Email Templates

A new tag called CLAIM NO has been added to the Invoice Recovery Email Template type. This is useful when sending invoices to Insurers who require the Claim Number(s) to be visible in the email subject or main email body.

Calendar Event for Client Appointment Emails

On "Client Appointment" email templates there is now a checkbox to include a Calendar Event with the email being sent.

Fixed Assets

Within 'Fixed Assets' you can now record Invoice Numbers, Serial Number and Tag Numbers. In addition you can create your own Asset Categories and apply these to Assets. You can filter assets by all of these new fields.

You now have the option to export the Fixed Asset Schedule to Excel and customise the output which can include all of these new fields.

You can now specify a Fixed asset as "Instant Write Off" for low value assets that will be posted to an Expense Ledger but can still show on your Fixed Asset schedule until they are disposed. 

Smart Forms Uploads

Now, you can choose whether to upload completed client Smart Forms or not through Administration >> Custom Forms >> Edit the form in question >> Tick/Untick the "Upload Web Screenshot". These uploads will be stored as HTML data instead of a PDF upload. Upload's performance has been optimized to improve the user experience.

Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue where in some situations the email statement pdf file was not attached when emailing a statement batch.
  • Fixed error that was being displayed when selecting a Client Group with 0 clients on it.
  • Resizing Patient Goals form will now resize the text fields on the form.
  • Smart forms will now automatically make System Fields mandatory where they are normally expected to have a value (for example the Client's name).
  • Recurring appointments now copy initial appointments quantity and duration if these were modified.
  • The Claim Review form can now remain open while viewing other forms and areas within the application.
  • Fixed the issue when adding a new Email Signature for a user would sometimes display as a broken link (X) when viewing the signature on a different computer.
  • Now, when right-clicking on an appointment on GPM appointment book and selecting the “Send Email” option, all client email templates will be available to be used.
  • Fixed the issue where an uploaded PDF of a smart form filled-in online was not able to be edited to change the file name or add more details.
  • When deleting an SMS template you will receive a warning message if it is being used on an Auto SMS schedule.
  • Auto schedule reminders can now be made inactive. This is useful if you want to temporarily stop sending SMS reminders, but allow the same auto-schedule rules to be activated at a later date, for example.
  • Now you can choose to include Undischarged conditions when generating the Discharge Summary Report.
  • Fixed issue that allowed the same provider to be added twice to a Custom Contract. There is now a setting on the Contract Type "Allow duplicate Providers when using Budget Groups" that can be set if you want to allow duplicate providers.
  • When sending a custom form via email to a client the chosen form entry type will now be saved correctly.
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