GPM NZ Release Notes Version 7.8 - 2021

New Features and Improvements

Contract Charge setting to use ACC Medfees Provider Number

Now it is possible to select the new 'When billing to ACC electronically, use the Providers Med Fees Provider Number' box found in Contract Type>Contract Charges>edit so that when billing a Contract Type Charge, the provider's ID number is used (if previously entered on the Clinician's setup).

ACC Telehealth Codes, Price, and Hourly Rate

Since May 2021, Providers with an ACC Regulation contract have been able to bill ACC using the new Telehealth codes. If the billing contract type is set as an hourly rate, the provider will use the new hourly rate for Telehealth. Otherwise, they can use the new fixed rate linked to the new codes.

Both Telehealth Initial or Follow-up have the same updated price.

Troubleshooting Telehealth meetings

We have a new Help page link which to provide information on troubleshooting connections with Telehealth in different browsers

Make a Service Charge Usable for a Specific Debtor Only

You can now make service charges available for billing specific debtors only. Admin>Service Charges>Visibility and Ledgers tab>Available for: Selected Debtors: select debtor

Site Appointment Schedule Report

The new "Site Appointment Schedule" Report allows you to view all appointments for a specific Date

Client Appointment Service Charge Detail Report

You can now export the Client Appointment Service Charge Detail report to Excel, and create your own custom exports, which include the Client First Name, Known As Name, Client Id, Provider Id, and Site Id

Email Confirmations for CC and BCC addresses 

When emailing from Gensolve, the message "Are you sure you want to send this email to ..." now also includes the cc and bcc recipients

Custom Forms can be set as Completed when Saved

There is a setting at the bottom of Custom Forms called 'Complete on Saved' that can be selected so that when clients save the form, it shows as Completed in Gensolve

Add Formula Field at Contract Level for Forms

You can now use the formula field when creating Custom fields for Custom Forms>Owner Type: Contract. The Formula Field Type is useful to create math operations depending on values previously stored in the form entry

Multiple Contract Type Reporting values

You can now optionally specify subtypes on a Contract Type Budget, and when applying default budgets to a Contract.
You can also specify which date defines the Contract Type Reporting value to use. This could be one of the following: the contract start date, the contract created date, the contract referred date or the current date.

Multiple Return To Work Dates are now available on contracts

Contracts now have the ability to have multiple full and partial Return To Work dates entered in the Due Dates & Outcomes tab of a contract.

Per hour contract charges have the option to show as hours and minutes on invoices

There is now the ability to show the hours and minutes on invoices for per-hour contract charges.

Create Contacts on Contracts and Email

You can now add contacts to a contract via Contracts >> All Contracts >> Edit Contract >> Select Contacts & Sites tab >> Add a Contact button>>use the Email Icon

Copy Contract Types

Now contract types can be copied by using the new green plus button beside the type to be copied via Contracts>>Contract Types

Show Custom Contract tabs on Notes

You can create a Custom Contract form for Contract Medical Notes.

You can then add a Custom Contract Form to a Contract Type to display as a separate tab on the contract. This can be set via a check box

The Invoice number for a Fixed Asset is now displayed on the payment remittance

Other Fixes and Features

  • When an Asset has an Invoice number added to the setup, the invoice number now shows on the Remittance advice when a payment is made on it
  • Fixed the issue where the ledger column was not updated with the ledger set on the Service Charge
  • Fixed the issue whereby if a Condition was being treated under EPN and Regulation Providers, the Claim Review Count was not showing correctly
  • When submitting ACC schedules via the API, pop-up messages no longer need an acknowledgment of each failure before being able to continue
  • Fixed the error displayed when viewing the Output for a Custom Form with Contact Details fields empty
  • Fixed the issue where Invoicing Exempt Contract Charges were showing with a GST portion
  • You can now drill into transactions from the Apply Item Ledgers page when the Item Type to Process is Contract Charges/Products
  • You can now allow Custom form Tabs set up for Contract Types to also show when editing the Contract Exams
  • Fixed bug affecting the 'Book Again' functionality when a Membership has a fixed number of appointments allowed.
  • Event Templates no longer error when there is no offset chosen.  Users must enter an offset even if there is no offset; enter 0 in those cases.
  • For Statement Batches which are created in A5 format (setting is found under Admin>Sites>edit>Statement Report Size), the details now show when emailing the attachments

  • When selecting to run the price update for a service charge, the price is now showing correctly for tax-exempted service charges.
  • When adding per-hour contract charges you can select to display the quantity as hours and minutes on invoices.
  • The Invoice Number now is displayed in the invoice for the payment
  • Fixed the issue where the 10th Future Appointment related merge fields were not showing on Letter Templates
  • Fixed an issue where a jammed scanner or scanner error would cause a user's instance of Gensolve to freeze.  You are now returned to the Upload file screen.
  • You will now see the progress breakdown or indicator when logging into Gensolve as data is retrieved in parts (1/5) on the splash screen:
  • mceclip1.png