GPM NZ Release Notes Version 7.9 - 2021

New Features and Improvements

ACC Allied Health Contract

Changes introduced by ACC for 1st Nov 2021 to move to an Allied Health contract for EPN Physios, Physio Specialists, Hand Therapists, and Podiatrists

Custom Contract Billing Limits

It is now possible to apply a number of limits to Contract Charges.  An overall Contract value limit can be applied, limits to the number of times a contract charge can be billed to a contract, as well as a limit to the quantity of a charge per appointment.  These can also be set as warnings only if desired.

Restrict Client Uploads

It is now possible to restrict access to a file uploaded against a client via Edit a Client >> Click on Letters & Uploads >> Create Upload >> Tick "Restrict access to this Upload". Only the user who uploaded the file will then be able to see the upload in the client's Letters & Uploads tab/page.

Restrict Letters

You can now restrict access to letters for other users via Edit a Client >> Click on Letters & Uploads >> Create Letter >> Tick "Restrict access to this Letter". Only the user who created the letter will then be able to see the letter in the client's Letters & Uploads tab/page.

Inactive Budgets Types

You can now inactivate budgets from the Contract Type to prevent someone from selecting an incorrect/old budget

Items to Reconcile sorted by Site

You can now sort on the Item Site column via Accounting >> Banking >> Reconcile Bank screen

Duplicate Misc Bank Transactions

You can now duplicate existing Miscellaneous Bank Transactions via Accounting >> Banking >> Misc Bank Transaction >> Click on the + icon to duplicate

Auto-generate Tag numbers for Fixed Assets

You can now auto-generate Tag numbers for Fixed Assets. The Sequence can be configured via Administration >> Vendors >> Next Asset Tag No. box on the right

Clinician Appointment Details Report

You can now view the Service Charges and Sites included on an Appointment in the Clinician Appointment Details Report. This is available when you select the new 'Export to Excel?' box before running the report. You can also customize the columns to include the Billing Code, Contract Type, Contract Name, and Duration Min fields.

Contract Export Report

You can now see the values for Extension Budget hours when exporting contract data using Display Fields before running the Contract Export report.

Contract Email Template

You can now use the new tags for MAIN_PROVIDER_FULLNAME, MAIN_PROVIDER_FIRST_NAME, MAIN_PROVIDER_LAST_NAME when creating a new Email Template.

F4 option in Custom Exams

When creating an exam using the option to copy from a previous exam, data will now be copied into any 'custom fields' and 'form fields' within a custom template.

When viewing an exam, any 'custom fields' and 'form fields' within a custom template will now display the history when hitting the F4 button within the field (as exam 'system fields' currently do).

Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue when sending Invoices, the subject shows appointment details
  • Fixed the issue where Payment Email Templates were in some cases generating incorrect URL links