GPM UK Release Notes - Version 6.2 - March 2016

New Gensolve Support Desk

The Gensolve Support Desk portal has a new look which is more modern and user-friendly.

All the existing features are still available (Submit a Ticket, View existing tickets, View the Release Notes), but now can be accessed on your favorite mobile device. 

Suggested Features Implemented in this Release

Sync Clinical Calendar with Google Calendar, iCal and others (View the Request )
There is now an iCal feed available for the providers. Now you can see your appointments in your favorite calendar application (You must configure it via Administration >> Clinicians >> Edit >> "Other Settings" tab >> Copy the iCal feed and paste the URL into your favorite calendar application)

Add Daughter & Son to Relationships (View the Request)
There are now two relationship types "daughter" and "son" in Contact Details Window. Select a Client >> Edit >> "Contact Details" tab


Other Features

Template Merge add Clinicians 
You can now search and export Clinicians details (via Reports >> Template Merge form)

Clinician Type is shown on Clinical Note 
You can now add Clinical Notes with any custom Clinician Type name for the selected Clinician.

Revenue Item Reports based on Cash/Payments 
You can now generate the Cash Revenue Report based on Cash/Payments. (Accounting >> Reports >> Run Cash Revenue Details Report.)

When paying an invoice Show appointment dates on the receipt 
You can now see appointment dates on the receipt when paying an invoice.

Show SMS's sent in Client History 
You can now see SMS’s sent on the Client History Tab. (Select a Client >> Edit >> "Full History" tab)

Action Events 
You can now reassign events that still require completing to another user (via Front Office >> Reassign Events).

Partition Portal By Vendor 
You can now have a clinic portal configuration by Vendor. (You must configure it via Administration >> Web Configuration >> Vendor Custom Settings >> Configure each vendor as required)

Allow an Invoice to be Assigned to a New Debtor 

You can now reassign an existing invoice to an alternative Debtor or Client. This can be done by editing an Invoice and clicking on the new Reassign Debtor button at the top right of the form.

Show Payment Information on Invoices Details Screen 

You can now see the details of any payments recorded against the Invoice when editing the Invoice details.

Show Cancelled Appointments by default

You can now see the cancelled appointments shown by default when viewing a Client's Appointments (Edit a Client >> Appointments tab). Any cancelled and no show appointments will now show with gray text.

Online Booking Additional Notes 

You can now add additional notes when booking an appointment in the Web Portal

Cater for ASB Format Creditor Batch Output 

You can now configure the bank account with the ASB bank format, and this will be now catered when exporting a Creditor Payment Batch.

Bank Transfer Date from QIF 

You can now match the Bank Transfer date when reconciling from QIF screen with the item date.

Default Bank Account on new QIF Bank Reconciliation

You can now see the selected Bank Account from the reconciliation screen as the default Bank Account when creating new QIF Reconciliations.

Allow Email Priority to be Set in Mail Server

You can now configure emails sent from Gensolve as High or Normal priority by enabling/disabling the High-priority Email? option in the email sender window.


Other Improvements and Fixes

  • Tooltip for a Client's Name: In the upper menu, when selecting a client, there is now a tooltip when you want to see the client's full name and date of birth.
  • Email added to Client Relationships : In the Contact Details Window (Select a Client >> Edit >> "Contact Details" tab) You will now have the ability to send Emails to a client's relatives.