GPM UK Release Notes Version 6.5 - January 2018

New Features that have been Implemented

Client SMS 

You can now create an SMS for a Client via Clients >> Edit a Client >>Home Contact Details panel >> Click on Phone icon.

Autoschedule Email/SMS Reminders 

You can now create a Schedule Rule for SMS and Emails by setting the Date From/To. Email/SMS templates can be selected in order to set the Schedule Reminder. Additionally, email reminders can be sent manually.

Allow Creditors and Expenses to be excluded from Payment Batch 

You can now specify on an Expense if it should be included when creating a payment batch. You can also set this as a default on a Creditor. 

Setting on Expenses to prevent expenses paid by default 

You can now specify on an Expense that puts it on hold and stops it from being paid by default.

Provider Selection for Appointment book 

You can now add a provider to a Site using the pop-up form.

HTML API Reports 

A New API Report tool has been deployed to export data in the system. You can run reports via >> log in with your credentials >> Download the CSV file for the report selected.

Clinician option to not allow overlapping appointments

There are now settings on a Clinician's details that when activated will stop users being able to save overlapping appointments Client and/or In-Service Clinician appointments. You can configure it via Administration >> Clinicians >> Edit a Clinician displayed in Appointment book >> Untick 'Allow Overlapping of Client appointments?' and 'Allow overlapping of clinician In Service Appointment'

'In Service' setting will be automatically set on the Clinician Appointment Type

You can now specify for a Clinician Appointment Type that when it is used on a Clinician Appointment, the 'In Service' setting will automatically be set and made not editable on Appointment. You can configure it via Administration >> Clinician Appt Types >> Edit it.

Setting on the Clinician Appointment Type to specify when the Appointment can be booked

On a Clinician Appointment Type, you can now specify if the respective appointment is only allowed to be added within a Clinician’s Appointment Schedule, fully outside a Clinician's Appointment Schedule, or anywhere. You can configure it via Administration >> Clinician Appt Types >> Edit and set 'This Appointment Type can be booked'.       

Accounts Tab for Debtors

When editing a Debtor's details, there is now Accounts tab that allows you to see Payments, Invoices, Write-Offs and Statements for the specific Debtor. Accounting Form >> Money In >> Debtors >> Edit a Debtor >> Go to Accounts tab   


Other features

Email Templates for Expenses

You can now create email templates for Expenses which can be used when emailing Invoices.

Allow Adding Non Cash Expense Ledgers

On the Chart of Accounts, you can now add your own child non-cash expense ledgers.

Formulas on Excel Report

You can now import the matching rows with formulas from excel when running the merge. The formulas entered to the Template will be now imported down to each row. You can import the matching rows to excel via Reports >> Template Merge >> Get Matching Rows >> Select Export Rows to Excel >> Run the Merge.

Clinician Capacity report exported to Excel

You have now an option to export the Clinician Capacity report to Excel.

New groups to run Products Report

You can now group the Products to order the report by Manufacturer or Product Group, and run for a Product Group or Manufacturer.

Clinician Appointment History

On a Provider/Clinician appointment, you can now right click and select the menu option to see the Appointment History.

System Users linked to a Site

You can now add all users linked to a site via Administration >> Sites >> Click on the first + icon. Here you can include/exclude all users or select the user(s) manually.

Product Sales in Client History

You have now the option to see a Client's Product Sales on the client Full History form.

Reconcile Matched Items with QIF

You can now see items to reconcile highlighted when the Bank Statement Date exceeds 3 days from the date the item was matched in GPM.

Select Ledger on new Invoice from QIF

When creating a new invoice from the QIF bank reconciliation, automatically set the invoice item ledger account and tax code, if the Debtor has a default ledger set. You can configure it via Accounting Form >> Money In >> Debtors >> Edit a Debtor.

Score Field

You can now add Score Fields to Custom Forms that show the scores of one or more linked fields in the Form. This allows you to have a display field that can show the score for a subsection of the form. You can create it via  Administration >> Custom Forms >> Select Owner Type >> Right-mouse Click on 'Main Form Panel' >> Add a Field >> Select Score Field.

Formula Field

You can now add Formula Fields to a Custom form using any of the following three fields: TotalScore, NoOfQuestions, AnsweredQuestions.(e.g.  The formula 100 * AnsweredQuestions/NoOfQuestions to get the percentage of questions answered in a form.) You can create it via  Administration >> Custom Forms >> Select Owner Type >> Right-mouse Click on 'Main Form Panel' >> Add a Field >> Select Formula Field.

Other improvements and fixes

    • Prevent Appointments on the same date: There is a now a warning message that is displayed if the client already has an appointment on the same day. You can configure it via Administration >> Vendors >> Client & Appointment Settings tab >> Tick 'Warn if a client has multiple appointments on the same day?'. 

    • 'Referrer' prefix added to referrer template fields: Fixed the issue when including available merge fields for Referrer Templates. You can now identify all fields used for Referrer Letter Templates with referrer as the prefix for each field. Administration >> Letter Templates >> Select Referrer as Template Type >> Click Word Example
    • Event Recurrence with inactive user: You will now be able to edit an Event Recurrence if the Action user is inactive.
    • Empty default Event Type: You will now have an empty default Event Type. When creating a new event the Event Type will be empty and the User will have to explicitly select something.
    • Find Client Searching: You will be able to search clients with the exact name.
    • To Do List: The To Do list is now automatically updated when an event has been deleted.
    • Option to See Completed By on All Events: There is now a checkbox option to view the Completed By user when viewing the Events history
    • Home Site has been added to the Event Details: When viewing Event details linked to a Client, the Client's home site will now show as a read-only field.
    • Service Charges Panel: When viewing existing Service Charges, the Availability column will now order Site and Provider names alphabetically. You can view it via Administration >> Service Charges.
    • Cash Sales: When creating cash sales from the Main Form header bar, the form will no longer default to the currently selected Client. You can view it at the top of the screen - right side >> Click on Cash Sale
    • Memberships: When deleting a membership if you are also editing a class that is using the membership, a message is displayed to prevent the membership from being used in the class.
    • Group Score Fields: You will be able to add score fields to Customs Form Group entries. You can add it via  Administration >> Custom Forms >> Select Owner Type >> Right-mouse Click on 'Main Form Panel' >> Add a Field >> Checkbox Group >> Tick 'This Field answer counts towards the form entry score'>>
    • Reset password in Web Portal: You will be able to reset your password in Web Portal.