GPM UK Release Notes Version 7.12 - Dec 2022

New Features and Improvements


Xero Export 

The Xero export process has been made more efficient leading to a reduction in Xero transaction export times.

Items to Reconcile sorted by Site

You can now sort on the item site column via Accounting >> Banking >> Bank Reconciliation screen

Duplicate Misc Bank Transactions

You can now duplicate existing Miscellaneous Bank transactions via Accounting >> Banking >> Misc Bank Transaction >> Click on the + icon to duplicate

Auto-generate Tag numbers for Fixed Assets

You can now auto-generate Tag numbers for Fixed Assets. The Sequence can be configured via Administration >> Vendors

Cash Sales details when Reconciling

For Cash Sales, the other details text from now shows on the bank reconciliation screen.

Debtor Statement Batches

A new option has been added to Statement Batches to only include Items that have been Invoiced.

Recovery Plan

When Editing a Recovery Plan, you can now create or edit the respective Email template directly from the Process Action

Other Letter and Email Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue when sending Invoices, the subject shows appointment details
  • You have now an option on a Creditor screen to never suggest QIF term matching
  • Custom Fields removed from Insurer Schedules that share the same Report Label will no longer cause an error when viewing the Invoice. Only 1 field with a shared Report Label will appear on an invoice.

Medical Notes

Outcome Measures

You can now enter the outcome of a patient's treatment when entering medical notes for a patient's condition following an appointment. If entering Outcome Measures is a mandatory step for your business, you can configure it on Clinician settings to alert you when they are due. On the appointment book, a blue icon will be displayed in the appointment to remind the user that the outcome measures are due for the 1st, 6th and 12th appointments.

F4 option in Custom Exams

When creating an exam using the option to copy from a previous exam, data will now be copied into any 'custom fields' and 'form fields' within a custom template.

When viewing an exam, any 'custom fields' and 'form fields' within a custom template will now display the history when hitting the F4 button within the field (as exam 'system fields' currently do).

SOTAP Improvements

Moved the completion checkboxes to the bottom of the SOTAP and SOAPER exams


Letter and Uploads

Restrict Letters

You can now restrict access to letters for other users via Edit a Client >> Click on Letters & Uploads >> Create Letter >> Tick "Restrict access to this Letter"

Restrict Client Uploads

It is now possible to restrict access to a file uploaded against a client. Only the user who uploaded the file can see the upload in the client's Letters and Uploads screen.

There is now an override setting on a User to allow them to access restricted notes, letters, and uploads. (contact the support team to enable this feature if required for any users)

New Provider Fields

New fields have been added to a Provider(Clinician) to specify if they are a contractor and a free text for External Reference. Both fields are available as Template export fields <<ProviderIsContractor>> <<ProviderExternalRef>>

Other Letter and Email Fixes and Improvements

  • Work Intensity and Goal Achieved tags have been added to Condition and Condition Exam Letter Template types for use in Letters and Template Merge.
  • Resolved the issue when trying to create a Letter for a Client, where more than 1000 custom fields have been configured

Custom Forms

  • Allow a Group Form to specify which forms should show, based on the Form Entry Type a user selects
  • Fixed the issue where a partially completed "Assessment" web custom form entry was not being linked to the Assessment correctly
  • Fixed an error where Radio Button and Combo Box Custom fields caused an error when saving a Custom Form.
  • Resolved the issue of being able to delete Conditions if related Forms have been previously uploaded.

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Renamed the User Access role for the Condition Appointment Counts report from "Client Condition Appointments" to "Condition Appointments Counts" for consistency
  • Vaccination status is now available when creating/Editing User Access Roles.
  • The Options Menu item "Only Show Current Site's Appointments" has been updated to "Hide Providers Not Working at this Site" to better describe the functionality.
  • When exporting Reports to Excel the format will now export to XLSX rather than XLS
  • On the Web Configuration screens for Clinicians, you can now export to Excel using the F7 key