GPM UK Release Notes Version 7.7 - 2021

New Features and Improvements

Physitrack integration is now live

Gensolve now offers Physitrack as an integration in the UK


Gensolve public REST API now available

You can now access the Gensolve REST Api in the UK

Smart Forms Uploads

You can now jump from the current site to another one by using Ctrl-G or via the Options menu >> Select 'Go To Site' tab to view the list of available sites alphabetically. You can also start typing to narrow down the selection. Then simply select the site from the list to view the appointment book for that site.

Ability to Search for Site Tabs (View Request)

Now, you can choose whether to upload completed client Smart Forms or not through Administration >> Custom Forms >> Edit the form in question >> Tick/Untick the "Upload Web Screenshot". When the box is ticked, these uploaded forms will be stored as HTML data instead of a PDF in the Clients' Letters & Uploads tab. The Upload performance has been optimized to improve the user experience.

Mandatory Cancellation and Now Show reasons

Now, you can make the appointment's Cancellation and No Show reasons mandatory via Administration >> Vendors >> Edit your vendor >> Client & Appointment Settings >> Check both the "Cancellation Reason is Mandatory?" and " No Show Reason is Mandatory?" checkboxes.

Fixed Assets Improvements

On the Fixed Asset screen a new radio button allows restriction by Site and shows in the new Site column.
The new green plus icon 'Duplicate this Asset' allows duplication of the asset.
The Process Depreciation button uses the Asset's site for depreciation.

On the Fixed Asset Schedule Report the box 'Export to Excel?' allows exporting to Excel and includes the new Site Name column.

You can now view an invoice report when selling a fixed Asset to a Debtor by selecting the new View Debtor Invoice button which shows when adding the Sale details to the Fixed Asset item.

Also, you can now add any final depreciation entries to an Asset that has been set as Sold by selecting OK when the message pops up to warn that it has been sold.

Show Item Sites on Bank Reconciliation

Now when doing a bank reconciliation, by using the "Show the Item Site?" checkbox, the new Item Site column will display the site for each item.

New report: Balance Sheet by Site

You can now run the Balance Sheet by Site report to get a detailed balance per Site.

New export tags for Debtor letter template

New export tags are available for Debtors when creating Letters and exporting to Excel or Word. You can now create the letter template via Administration >> Letter Templates >> Select the Template Type: Debtors >> Click on Word Example/Excel Example to download and create a template with <<DebtorNotes>> and <<DebtorBillingNotes>> fields. You can export the Debtor Notes and Debtor Billing Notes to Excel or Word via Reports >> Template Merge >> Create a Personalised Document for each row.

Prepaid expense Allocations

You can now specify that an Expense is a prepayment by selecting the new 'Is this a Prepaid Expense' box on the Expense which will be applied over future months. For example, Insurance may be paid upfront for the year but you want to allocate it over the 12 months. The expense can be allocated to an Asset ledger which is set via Admin>Companies>edit>Default Prepayment Ledger (bottom right corner)>select ledger so that the allocation will move to the Expense ledger for each month of the specified period. 

Telehealth Appointment Reminders

You can now create SMS Templates to send SMS Reminders for Telehealth Appointments. You can configure SMS Templates via Administration >> SMS Templates >> Click on New SMS Template >> Select the Type: Telehealth Appointment Reminder.

Classes on Appt Slip Report

You can now view all future appointments and classes on the same page for more than one site.

Clinic Portal: Multiple schedules for clinicians sorted by availability

Now when you create multiple appointment schedule days (for multiple providers of the same type) for different sites on the Clinic Booking Portal, the clinicians will be sorted according to their availability.

MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

Multi-Factor Authentication is now available. You can enable MFA for system users so that both Windows and web logins can make use of this extra authentication step. MFA is highly recommended for all users that have access to sensitive information.

User Access Log Report

You can now use the new report User Access Log to get information regarding System Users' login activity and details such as IP address and the device they used.

Report Improvement: DNA / Cancellations report:

Now you can run the 'DNA / Cancellation' report for Site Groups.

Email Templates: Include Calendar Event Attachment to Emails:

Now you can add client events as attachments to your Email Templates of type 'Client Appointment'. You can do via 'Administration' >> 'Email Templates' >> Click on 'New Email Template'. >> Select 'Client Appointment as the template type. >> Tick 'Include a Calendar event attachment to this emails'.

Smart Forms: Mandatory Fields

Now, when a field specified as mandatory is not filled out and the form is attempted to be saved, an error window will be displayed indicating the mandatory field that must be filled out in order to save. You can set mandatory fields on Custom Forms via Administration. >> Custom Forms >> Create or Edit a form. >> Click on the field you want to modify. >> Set the option 'MandatoryOnComplete' as 'True'.

Goals in Letters

You can now create letters with the last 8 goals added in Medical Notes

Default email for sharing Custom Forms or Group Forms via links

Now, when sharing a Form or Group Entry link by email, the default "From" email is the current user's email. You can set up a System User email via 'Administration' >> 'System Users' >> Edit a System User. >> 'Email Settings' >> Set the email address.

Bulk Processing of Email Events Due

Now it is possible to process invoice email recovery actions in bulk. You can do it via 'Accounting Form' >> 'Money In' >> Recovery Actions Due >>Select the email recovery actions you want to process >> Click on 'Send Emails'.

Dynamic Field shortcuts allow multiline

Now it is possible to add single-line and multi-lines shortcuts to text box custom and form fields. You can do it via 'Administration' >> 'Custom Forms' >> Click 'New Form' >> Right-click on 'Main Panel' >> Click on 'Add a Field' >> Select a Form Field or a Custom Field of Text Box type >> Add single-line or multi-line shortcuts >> Set 'True' in the 'Multiline' properties of the field.

Update Service Charge prices of existing appointments

Now you can update the Service Charges prices of existing appointments. You can do it via 'Administration' >> 'Service Charges' >> Edit the Service Charge you want to update. >> Click on 'Appy Service Charge Changes' >> Click on 'Get Items to Process' >> Select the service charges items to update. >> Click on 'Process Now'.

QR Codes to open Custom Forms

The options for sharing a Form Entry now include a QR code. You can generate the Form Entry QR code for a client via Edit the client. >> Go to the 'Full History' tab. >> Click on 'Form Entry'. >> Select the form you want to share with the client. >> Click on 'Share Link'. >> Click on the QR button.

Client Phone and Mobile to Email templates

You can now include Phone and Mobile number in Email Templates. You can add them via Administration>> Email Templates >> New Email Template >> Select the template Type as Client >> Select Phone and Mobile numbers

Validate Stripe Payment Method

You can now validate your Web Payment Methods credentials via Administration >> Vendors >> Edit your vendor >> On Vendor Details, on the Web Payment Methods section, click on the Validate button to confirm that they are correct.

Restrict Users Email from

Now you can specify on a system user exactly which email addresses that user can send from. When creating any email in the system the user should only be able to choose email addresses they have been set up with.

Internal Reference Numbers for Booking Portal Clients

Now Internal Reference numbers for clients created through the Online Clinical Portal have generated automatically and populated in the client details. You can enable this via 'Administration' >> 'Vendors'/'Companies'. >> Edit the Vendor/Company. >> Go to the 'Other Settings' tab. >> Tick 'Use Internal Client References?'. >>Tick 'Auto-populate Internal References for New Debtors and Clients'. >> Click on 'Save'.

Client Next Appt tags on Custom Form email templates

Add appointment tags (like on an appointment email) for custom form email templates, based on the client's next appointment, if the form entry is related to a client.

Send bulk remittance advice

On the Accounting>>Money Out>>Payments Made screen users can select multiple payments and email remittances in bulk to Creditors via the new Send Remittances button. The Email Template to be used will be the new "Creditor Payment" template.

Imported or duplicated Custom Forms use the original 'Save Form on Completion' setting

When creating a new custom form, the option to save a copy of the filled-in form as an uploaded file if it is emailed to the client will be turned on by default.

Site Appointment Schedule Report

You can now view the "Site Appointment Schedule" Report to view all appoints for a specific Date

Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue where emails were not correctly sent (View Request)
  • Fixed the issue where the Email from the drop-down was changed accidentally when the user scroll wheel in the mouse
  • You can now set a default revenue ledger for a Membership Type.
  • You can now use the appointment selector to navigate to an appointment even if the clinician associated with the appointment is displayed in a subsite.
  • Fixed error that was causing client relationship email suggestions to show the wrong email address.
  • Fixed the issue where Daily Takings could in some situations not include Payments made late in the day when using the "Include Payments Date To" restriction.
  • Fixed the issue where overriding a Product sell price on an invoice was not updating the Line item description.
  • Now the Event area's View Report button shows the event fields as HTML tags for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser e.g. consent forms.
  • Fixed bug which not permitted the ReCaptcha to work properly on Custom Forms when the 'Share Link' option is used.
  • Now the merge fields pass to the server, so it can ignore data it does not need to get when exporting from the Template Merge form.
  • Now you can filter the events using the due date from the events.
  • Fixed the issue when mandatory radio buttons could be saved without the data filled.
  • Sorted issue that was preventing edited sign off's on medical notes to display the information properly.
  • The performance of loading system users from the administration menu has been improved for those organisations that have a high quantity of system users.
  • Fixed bug which made Membership VAT exempt setting not saved correctly.
  • Fixed the issue when amending the total on a reassigned invoice the amount would be posted to the Original Debtor rather than the new debtor.
  • The issue where email attachments that contain brackets in the filename were sometimes sent without the file extension has now been fixed.
  • Fixed bug which did not allow the web preview of Custom Forms when including a Body Diagram Field.
  • Fixed bug which did not display the Form Entry Custom Fields in the Custom Forms report.
  • Fixed the issue where when using Exam system fields on custom forms, you could enter more characters than the field allowed, causing an error when trying to save the information.
  • You can now drill into Accounting transaction items that are linked to Contracts.
  • Fixed bug affecting the 'Book Again' functionality when a Membership has a fixed number of appointments allowed.
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