GPM UK Release Notes Version 7.8 - 2021

New Features and Improvements

Email Confirmations for CC and BCC addresses

When emailing from Gensolve, the message "Are you sure you want to send this email to ..." now also includes the cc, and bcc recipients in the message confirmation of CC and BCC email addresses are included

Service Charges by Debtor

Now you can allow Service Charges to be either available to all Debtors (default) or only to certain Debtors.

Site Appointment Schedule Report

You can now view the "Site Appointment Schedule" Report to view all appoints for a specific Date

Letter Template Client Type Fields now fill for the 10th future Booked Appointment

In the Letter Template>Template Type: Client, all appointment fields related to the 10th future booked appointment now populate data when that merge field is used.

Event Templates no longer have an error when no offset is entered

Event Templates no longer error when there is no offset chosen.  Users must enter an offset even if there is no offset; enter 0 in those cases.

A5 Statement Batches now show line details when Emailing

For Statement Batches which are created in A5 format (setting is found under Admin>Sites>edit>Statement Report Size), the details now show when emailing the attachments

Service charge price updater displays Tax Exempt charges correctly

When selecting to run the price update for a service charge, the price is now showing correctly for tax-exempted service charges.

Custom Forms Filled Online Event Status

Custom Forms now have a tick box to mark the fill notification event as automatically completed or not.

Client Appointment Service Charge Detail Report

You can now export the Client Appointment Service Charge Detail report to Excel, and creating your own custom exports, which also includes the Client First Name, Known As Name, Client Id, Provider Id, and Site Id

Other Fixes and Features

  • Fixed the issue where the ledger column was not updated with the ledger set on the Service Charge
  • Fixed the error displayed when viewing the Output for a Custom Form with Contact Details fields empty
  • Fixed an issue where a jammed scanner or scanner error would cause a user's instance of Gensolve to freeze.  You are now returned to the Upload file screen.
  • The Invoice Number now is displayed in the invoice for the payment
  • You can now view the progress breakdown as data is retrieved in parts (1/5) on the splash screen. mceclip1.png