HealthLink Messages Stuck in Outbox


A message sent via HealthLink Messaging has been stuck in Outbox and has not moved to Succeeded.


A message will show in the Outbox until it has been acknowledged by the recipient.

Messages are received and acknowledgements are sent when the HealthLink Service is running at the recipient's clinic.

It is likely that the recipient has not run the HealthLink Service since the message was sent from GPM.

For GPM, the HealthLink Service is run every 30 minutes however other users may run the service less frequently.


If the message has not moved to Succeed after a day, check the following options :

  1. The recipient is not able to accept messages with the version of HealthLink Messaging setup up in GPM
    • Change the HealthLink version defined in the Referrer's details

    • Create and send a new message.

     2.  The message may be too big to be processed by HealthLink.
- Contact Gensolve Support Desk to investigate whether an error has occurred while processing the message.