HealthLink Questions

If I am using Gensolve Practice Manager, do I still need a HealthLink Digital Certificate?

Yes. This is used to access the ACC website and upload claims and schedules. 

If I am using Gensolve Practice Manager, do I still need HealthLink Messaging Service?

HealthLink messaging service is not required for Gensolve Practice Manager to work.

Can I use the HealthLink Messaging Service with Gensolve Practice Manager?

Yes. You can use the HealthLink messaging service to send and receive messages to and from other providers, send ACC32 Requests to ACC and receive radiology reports.

See Subscribing to HealthLink Messaging Service for more information.

I get a digital certificate error when I try to submit ACC45s

To check if the certificate is installed correctly on the affected PC, click on the following link:

If the link opens with an  "Access Error" message, this is a HealthLink issue - contact HealthLink for assistance.

If the link opens successfully, there is an issue with Gensolve Practice Manager - contact Gensolve Support Desk for assistance.

How Do I Find Out the EDI account name for a Site/Practitioner?

EDI guides, by region, are available here:

Alternatively, contact the practice directly and they can tell you their EDI account name.