1. Knowledge Centre
  2. Gensolve Enterprise Manager

HealthNow Payment

Note: Contact Gensolve Support to ask to be enabled for HealthNow


The HealthNow Payment System can only work for your clients that have HealthNow accounts and have installed the HealthNow App.  More information can be found at : https://healthnow.co.nz

In order to start processing payments through HealthNow, you need to setup a HealthNow Merchant Account. For more information about HealthNow's services and billing details please visit https://healthnow.co.nz.

In this topic we are going to cover the basic steps to create an account and set the Merchant ID necessary to connect Gensolve with HealthNow. Please refer to the following steps:

Creating a HealthNow Account

Connecting HealthNow to GPM

Client HealthNow Account

Completing an appointment and Make Payment by HealthNow



Creating a HealthNow Account

1. Go to the HealthNow sign up page, ( https://merchant.healthnow.co.nz/auth/login ), enter credentials and Sign in . If you are new to HealthNow click on Register for your business , enter the details and click on Continue.

2. Enter the Bank Details and click on Submit

3. Once you are registered with HealthNow, the HealthNow Customer Success Team will get in touch to run through your account and take you through their services.

Connecting HealthNow to Gensolve

1. After you receive the ID and Key from HealthNow, contact the Gensolve Support team so that they can turn on HealthNow for your organisation.  Until you do this, the below steps cannot be completed.

2.Go to Vendor Details Tab and select Transaction Fee Ledger from the drop down list.  This is the expense account where any HealthNow fees will be posted.

3. Go to the Payment Services Tab where the HealthNow setting should be available to enter the data, enter Merchant ID , User, Password, Tick >> Enable HealthNow Payments

4.Click Validate Keys >>  click OK >>Save

NOTE:  If the Validation is successful it will show as Successful Validation else it will show as Unsuccessful

Client HealthNow Account

1. The client must have a HealthNow account.  This can be installed on their phones from the Apple or Google Apps Store.  The below screen is purely for reference and not part of your setup procedure.

Completing an appointment and Make Payment by HealthNow

1. In order to process a payment by HealthNow, an appointment must be Completed first.  

2. After Completing the Appointment, create the Client Payment >> Set the Payment Type to: HealthNow


3. Ask the Client to provide the Transaction ID from their HealthNow App and enter that 4 digit code in the HealthNow PIN field >> Send Request >>  Yes

4.Ask the Client to click on  Confirm and pay from their end and once they have confirmed, click on Continue in Gensolve.

5. Click on Continue

6. Once the Payment has been successfully processed the receipt can be Printed, Viewed or the notification Closed.