How Is An SMS Message Created

The length of an SMS, whether sent manually or scheduled, should not exceed 160 characters or it will be sent in multiple parts (although received as one message) and charged individually. For more information see How to Set up a Scheduled Reminder.

An SMS is created using the following elements:

  1. The Reply Name which could be the Clinic Name OR the Vendor Name OR the Site Name, if one has been configured in the Vendor SMS Settings.

    For more information see:  How to Set up SMS Messaging.

  2.    The Text specified in the SMS template

    For more information see:  How to Create an SMS Template

    3. You can send the Reminder via Main Form > Reminders > Filter as desired > Get Data > Send Reminders

    The Reminder Template Selection will show you the number of characters still available before reaching the 160 characters limit
    Note: You can generate text and/or email reminders for the next day appointments
    For more information see:   How to Send and Schedule Appointment Reminders


    4.    You can view sent reminders via Front Office > SMS Messages > Get Data


    5.     The SMS that is received will show as follows for the client: