How to Add an Additional ACC Provider Contract


A Physiotherapist now holds the ACC Hand Therapy Contract in addition to the Physiotherapist Contract

How to set this up in Gensolve so that Hand Therapy appointments can be booked, and ACC can be billed for Hand Therapy charges.


  1. Go to Administration >> Clinicians >> Click on  to edit the Clinician
  2. Add a second row under Provider Contract Settings choosing Hand Therapy as the Provider Type and the appropriate Contract details as provided by ACC >> Click on Save.
    NoteWhen adding the Hand Therapy contract to the Provider Contract Settings, if there is no option for Hand Therapist as a Provider Type, please contact the Support Team.
  3. When booking an appointment for this Provider, there will now be the option of New Physio Appointment as well as New Hand Therapist Appointment.
  4. Once the condition is added to the appointment, the appropriate ACC charges for each appointment type will automatically populate to the Insurance Billing Details