How to Apply Contract Pre-Invoice Verification


Allows a Pre-Invoice Verification requirement to be set by default to Contract Types.  This can stop Schedules or Invoices being sent to ACC or Insurers prematurely.


This topic covers how to:

Default Pre-Invoice Verification on Contract Types

How to Set & Successfully Verify Pre-Invoice Verification on a contract

How to search for the Verification Status of Contracts

Letter and Excel Export Fields Related to Contract Verification Status

Template Merge Pre-Invoice Verification Restrictions

Apply Pre-Invoice Verification Required Default to a Contract Type

  1. To set a Contract Type so that it requires Pre-Invoice Verification by default go to Contracts >> Contract Types >> Get Data >> Click the  icon next to the relevant Contract
  2. Tick  Default to Require Pre-Invoice Verification >> Save

3. Any new Contracts created using this Contract Type will be flagged as requiring Pre-Invoice Verification by default.  Immediately upon creating the Contract, the Requested By and Requested On boxes will automatically reflect the user who created the new Contract

How to Set & Successfully Verify Pre-Invoice Verification on a contract

  1. Go to Contracts >> All Contracts >> Get Data.  Click the  against the relevant contract.
  2. You can manually set the Contract to require Pre-Invoice Verification if it is not set as the default against the Contract Type.  On the Contract Details tab tick Verification is Required.  The Requested By and Requested On boxes will update with the details of the user who ticked the option.  Click Save.

3.Once the Contract has been deemed ready to invoice, Go to Contracts >> All Contracts >> Get Data.  Click the  against the relevant contract.  Tick  Verification was Successful under the Contract Details tab. Click Save.

How to Search for the Verification Status of Contracts

  1. To the view current Verification Status of Contracts, go to Contracts >> All Contracts.
  2. Go to the Verification radio buttons and select from either Needs Verification, Verified or None.  Note the default search option is Any.  Once any other search options are selected if relevant, click Get Data

Fields Available for Inserting Contract Verification Status into Letters and Excel Exports

  1. The Following fields exist in the Contract Type Letter Template:







Note: For more Information see How to Create a Letter Template and/or How to Export Data to Excel Using a Template

Template Merge Restrictions Related to Contract Verification Status

  1. The following Template Merge Contract Verification Restrictions can be applied:

          Verify is Set

          Awaiting Verification

          Is Verified

Note: For more Information see How to Run a Template Merge and How to Export Data to Excel Using a Template