How to Create a Quick Appointment in GPM Web

If you're pressed for time or don't have all the client details at hand, you can create a Quick Appointment. This feature is especially helpful when scheduling an appointment over the phone and you may not have complete client information. Later, you can easily convert the Quick Appointment into a full Client Appointment once you have the necessary details or when you have more time.

Please see the below article on How to Create a Quick Appointment in GPM Web

1. Click on the Calendar >> Select Quick Appointment

2. Change the Start Time and Duration if necessary

3. Enter the Client Name or select one from existing database

4. Fill in the other details as needed >> Click on Save

5. The Quick Appointment is displayed

6. To Convert the Appointment , double click on the appointment >> Click on Convert Appointment

7. Fill in the necessary details for this appointment >> Click on Save

8. The Appointment has been converted