How to Group Custom Forms


You need to send multiple Custom Forms to a client via email.


Custom Form Groups now allow you to send multiple Custom Forms to clients via one URL link embedded in a Fill Form email.  This avoids having to send multiple emails to the same client.

Prerequisites: You must have created more than one Custom form of the same Form Type, and have an Email Template set up to send Custom Forms to clients.

 Create a Custom Form.

 Share a Custom Form.

  1. Administration >> Custom Form Groups
  2. Click on New Form Group
  3. Enter the Group Name
  4. Select the Owner Type; Form Entry, Client, Assessment, Exam, Condition or Contract. The Owner Type determines which forms can be included in the Custom Form Group.
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Click on the Forms you want added to the group from the list shown under Available Custom Forms >> Then Click on  to add it to the group.
  7. You can change the order the forms appear to be filled, by selecting a form in the Custom Forms included in the Group window and clicking on the order icons  
  8. You can preview the forms by clicking on Preview Form (Windows View) or Preview Web (Web Browser View).
  9. Click Save once completed
  10. When sending the Fill Form email to the client the Custom Form Group will now be available to choose, they are listed with the precursor GROUP. (See Share a Custom Form for instructions on how to send Custom Forms to clients)
  11. When the client fills the form via the link embedded in the email, they are presented with the ability to complete multiple Custom Forms via the one link.
  12. All mandatory fields must be completed before progressing to the next form, and the final Review and Complete screen