How to Make a Payment using a Credit


The service charge for appointments already paid for by a client has changed.

The new service charge amount is less so the client is now in credit for all appointments already paid for.

How do I make use of this credit in future payments?


The best way is to convert the total credit amount into an overpayment.

The image below shows a credit of $50.00 (Received column) for 2 appointments already paid for (Prev Paid/WO column).

  1. Ensure only the items in credit are included (Include? checkbox is ticked). The Total Refund field should display the overpayment amount to be created.
  2. Enter the overpayment amount in the Overpayment Received field. In this example, create an overpayment of $100.00 .
  3. The Total Received field will change to $0.00 as it is an Overpayment.
  4. Set the Payment Type to Cash or Direct.
  5. Click Save.
  6. When you open the New Payment form again, the option to use the overpayment will be displayed for future payments.
    Note: In the example below we will use a $100 overpayment to pay an appointment item of $50, and on later date use the $50 remaining in overpayment to pay for another appointment item of $75, leaving a balance of $25 for the client to pay.