How to Restrict Service Charges by Provider Type


How do I enable service charges for certain types of providers?

How do I restrict service charges to specific providers?


In Gensolve Practice Manager, the 'Visibility and Ledgers' tab found in each Service Charge permits the user to modify the availability of the service. Modifying the availability of the Service Charges is useful when you have multiple provider types and different services available for each of them.

Configuring the Service Charge by provider type, in these cases, will also save time when adding new providers to your Gensolve in the future because adding individual providers to service charges will then no longer be necessary.


Follow the steps below to allow Service Charges to specific providers or provider types:

1. Go to Administration >> Service Charges.

2. Select the service charge you want to edit and click  to open the Service Charge details window.

3. Go to the Visibility and Ledgers tab.


Enabling Service Charges to Provider Types

4. Tick the option Is this Charge available to all Types if all types can use this charge but untick if not available for all Provider Types, and then select the specific Provider Type/s from the drop-down which may use the charge.

Restricting Service Charges to specific Providers

5. Tick the box Is this Charge available to all Providers? >> Click on the Provider drop-down to select those providers that are excluded from using this charge.

6. If this Service Charge is for all providers that are under the Provider Type you have selected, then there is no need to add any providers to the Excluding the Following Providers list.

7. If you only wish to have this Service Charge available for a specific provider using the Provider Type you have selected, then untick the Is this Charge available to all Providers? box, and select the provider in the resulting Providers that can use this Charge area.