How to Set a Contract Invoice to Site

New setting for optionally invoicing Site on the contract.

When using this setting it allows any invoicing of charges either through back end invoices or schedules, to be invoiced from the chosen site rather than the items site

There are two scenarios to set a Contract's Invoice From Site:

Same Management Site and Site for an Invoice.

Different Management Site and Site for Invoice.

Same Management Site and Site for an Invoice:

  1. Go to Contracts >> Contracts Types
  2. Click New Contract Type and fill the form as needed
  3. Select Bill Contracts of this Type using: Back End Invoices
  4. Click  Save
  5. Go to All Contracts >> New Contract and fill the form as needed
  6. Select the Contract Type created above
  7. Select the:
    1. same Management Site and Invoice from Site,  or
    2. different Management Site and Invoice from Site
8.  Click Save

or with different Management and Invoice Site as per below:

9.  On the Appointment book, create a Contract Appointment and select the contract created
10. Right-mouse click in the contract appointment created and change the status of the  appointment to Completed
11. Edit appointment and select Invoice Debtor button

12.  To confirm that the Management Site selected on the Contract pulls the Contract up when searched for: Go to Contracts >> All Contracts >>at Mgmt Site: select the Management Site set on the contract just created>> tick box Show Management Site?
13.  Click Get Data

14. To confirm that the invoice has been created from the Invoice From Site: Accounting form >> Money In>> Invoices >> Get Data