
This table shows the icons used in the Gensolve Practice Manager, together with their meanings.

Used to add an item.
Used to delete an item.
Used to duplicate/copy an item.
Launches an edit window to edit an item's properties.
If an item is not editable, this may launch a window to display the item's properties.
Launches an edit window to edit an item's properties.
If an item is not editable, this may launch a window to display the item's properties.  
Launches a create window to create a new item
View Details
 View details for an item.
SMS functionality
Indicates SMS messaging can be setup or sent by clicking on the icon.

Make Payment

Launches the payment window to record a payment


Launches an invoice details window to create or edit invoice details.


This file has been locked by a system user.
Other users cannot save changes to it.


This file is unlocked.

Users with permissions may save changes to it.
Happy Birthday
It is the selected client's birthday
Error / Debt / DNA
• When completing a form, this indicates an error in the field where this icon is displayed. Hover over the icon to display details of the error.
• When this is displayed against a client name at the top of the main window, it indicates that the client has outstanding debt.
• When this is displayed against the client appointment list (Appts) at the top of the main window, it indicates a no-show (DNA).
General Health Issue
The client has a general health issue, which the clinician needs to be aware of.
Report Viewer
Launches the Report Viewer window for an item, from which print, email, and export functions are available.
Click on this icon to open the send mail form.
New HealthLink messages received
Shows on the Client Header when messages received are assigned to unknown recipient or provider other than the one currently logged in to GPM.
New HealthLink messages received
Shows on the Client Header when messages assigned to provider currently logged in to GPM.

Not Invoiced
Partial Payment
Launches the Bluebubble website
Launches the Physiotec website
Launches the Physitrack website

Appointment Book Icons

This table shows the icons used in the Gensolve Practice Manager Appointment Book, together with their meanings.

Appointment Notes
Text has been entered in the Appt Notes field of the Appointment Details window.
Medical Notes Not Completed
Medical notes have been started for this condition.
Medical Notes Completed
Medical notes have been completed for this condition.
Medical Notes
Medical notes ready for sign off.

The appointments available to count against the condition have almost all been used.

No charge
There has not been a charge to the client for this appointment.
Not Counted
The appointment is linked to a condition, but 'Count Appts from' is not set.

Recurring Appointment

Indicates this appointment is part of set of recurring appointment.

General Health Issue
The client has a general health issue, which the clinician needs to be aware of.
Do Not Remind
No reminder is to be sent to the client.
The client has been sent a reminder.
A payment has been recorded for this appointment.
Splinting has not been added to Hand Therapy Appointment
Indicate that the appointment was booked online via the Web Portal.

Indicate that the appointment's service charges have been claimed through Medicare (via HICAPS) but are not yet reconciled.

Daily Notes


Not Tested





Pain and Resistance
