Managing Commissions

The Commission Section allows you to set up Commission Templates to assist with paying staff based on work done. You can also manage Commissions Due and Batches. Follow the processes below to learn how to use Commissions within GPM

Commission Templates

Commission Due & Commission Batches

Commission Items On Hold

Commission Templates

Commission Templates can be configured to automatically calculate commission owing to Contractors or Employees based on charges linked to them in Gensolve.

The Template Type can be configured as follows:

 Commissions to Users

Use this option for businesses that pay commission to their staff of System Users. You can select the various Users you want to pay commission to and link them to a Creditor that the expense will be created against. NB: For any expenses created you can view and print/email the BCTI invoice (please note that BCTI can only be used if pre-approved by ACC as per their website "You can only issue buyer-created tax invoices if we've given you approval to do so. You'll need to apply to us in writing to get the necessary approval") for/to the Creditor.

 Commission Between Sites

Use this option for businesses that pay commission between Sites. This is done when there is a Parent Company represented by a Site in the system which will invoice the Child Site or vice versa. To use Commission between Sites you need to set Commission Type.

Child Invoices Parent

This option is used when the Child will invoice the Parent for commission on work the Child Site has done. An expense will be created for Parent Site, using the Child Creditor. For each commission item there will be an expense item. An invoice will be created for the Child Site, using the Parent Site's Debtor. For each commission item there will be an invoice item (Cost of Sales is not needed here)

Parent Invoices Child

An expense will be created for Child Site, using the Parent Creditor. For each commission item there will be an expense item. An invoice will be created for the Parent Site, using the Child Site's Debtor. For each commission item there will be an invoice item, as well as a Cost of Sales invoice item.

Commission Due & Commission Batches

Commission Due is used to process the commission to pay for a given period of time. This will process commission for each User that has commission owing which will in turn, create a Commission Batch to automatically generate an Expense.

Commission Items On Hold

Use this option on a commission template to allow the related expenses to be created on hold until paid.