Medical Notes are Greyed Out/Disabled


When attempting to edit the medical notes for an appointment/condition, all the fields are greyed out and cannot be edited.


  1. The notes are marked as Completed (this icon  will show on the appointment in the calendar view) or
  2. The clinician who created the notes is set up to be the only one who can edit them.


  1. To mark the notes as Incomplete:
  • Edit the appointment and click on the  button next to the Exam Created On field.
  • Select the Treatment/Analysis/Plan tab.
  • Un-tick the Medical Notes have been completed box at the bottom right of the window.

    2.    To change the clinician settings:
    • Go to Administration >> Clinicians and select Get Data.
    • Edit the clinician by selecting the  next to the clinician's user name in the list.
    • Ensure the Restrict Medical Notes Changes to this User box is unchecked.
      Note: this method assumes you have the necessary access rights to update a clinician's settings.