Medical Notes are Not Displayed as Expected


The exam notes created by copying from a previous exam are not as expected.


- The Condition linked to the appointment is incorrect, or
- The previous exam selected to copy notes from is incorrect, or
- The Assessment Type is incorrect.


  1. First, delete the current notes and re-create them based on the correct conditions/assessment type/previous exam notes.
    Edit the appointment and click on the delete button  next to the Exam Created On field.


  2. Check that the condition linked to the appointment is correct:
    • Edit the appointment and select the correct Client Condition from the drop-down list.

      3.   Check that the previous exam selected to copy notes from is correct:
      • Edit the appointment and click on Edit button  next to the Exam Created On field

      • Then select Create notes based on a previous exam and select the exam notes to copy from : ensure the Client, Appointment Date and condition (Type) are correct.

        4.    Check that the Assessment Type is correct:
        • Edit the appointment and edit the Exam Notes

        • then on the Medical Notes Window click on Change Assessment Type (bottom right of window).